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冯 羽的博客


冯 羽





博客:139 篇



(2014-01-22 10:09)

1.  《故园·似是而非》这个主题的灵感来自哪里?



2.  和业主的沟通是否顺利?在施工过程中有什么难度?



3.  您所写的《观山居》很有意思,为什么采用这样的书写方式?



4.  您用了哪些元素去表现以“禅”为文化的主题?

这个案例,并没有从空间形式上强调“禅宗”,只是从手法上以无为有,大面积留白,在观者看来似乎和“禅”有些关系。其实这个空间主要是在强调传统的建筑空间元素以及造园手法给观者的感受。 比如,加长的交通路径,引出曲径通幽,曲桥的意向创造了空间视觉的起伏。长长的巷道又唤起人们对传统寻常巷陌的情感。一天四时变幻的光影,通过自然光与竹林的意向,丰富了视觉上的变化,从而使留白更有道理。旧时传统物件,渗透出的场所的精神,更使传统人文呼之欲出。以告观者,千万不要忘记我们的过去,它很精彩。


5.  竹子在空间中运用得较多,有什么用意吗?



6. 在照明设计上,您有怎样的心得体会?



7. 您最喜欢项目中的哪个部分?



Architecture & Art Interview-Guyuan•Specious Feeling


1. What is the inspiration of Guyuan•Specious Feeling?

   Guyuan • Specious Feeling is inspired by my attachment towards traditional Chinese landscape and landscape architecture. This sentiment created my inspiration.


2. How was communication with the client? Any difficulties in the construction?

Communication with the client went very smoothly. Mr Luo Liehong from Fudiyuan Estate adores our traditional culture as well. So we sort of clicked. He offered me maximum freedom in designing. Difficulties during the construction mainly came from the geographic limitation of Xinjiang. Some ideas were unlikely to be realized. Besides, local workers tend to be less experienced which requires a lot of communication and constant onsite problem solving.


3. The design description written by you is quite interesting. Why did you choose to write it in this style?

The style resembles Songci Yuanqu, in order to literally deliver a poetic culture from the past, to wake up our impression towards the old culture. The specious feeling created in this writing is familiar yet strange. Looking back at Guyuan is to look back at tradition, out long-lost tradition.


4. Which elements did you use to express the theme of Zen culture?

This project does not emphasize on Zen spatially, only technically large scale of blank reminds people of Zen. In fact, experience of traditional architecture space elements and landscape techniques are what I would like to stress in this space. For instance, the extended meandering bridge visually creates some motions in the space. Lights and shadows change with time during a day brings more layers to our sight. So the blank makes sense. Besides, items from old time reveal spirit of the place, reminding people not to forget our past. The past was spectacular.


5. Bamboo is used on a large scale in this space. What's the purpose of it?

Bamboo represents a leisure style here, an attitude of ease and carefree. Besides, bamboo is an essential element of traditional landscape. Eat without meat, but live with bamboo. This is the style of a gentleman. 


6. What's your understanding of lighting design?

All lighting relies on natural light during the day. This is exactly the essence traditional architecture. Views change with footstep, lights change and then emotions change. A great interpretation of human-nature relation and nature-space relation.


7. Which is your favorite part of this project?

Bamboo grove, zigzag bridge, the delicate leisure like in a Song Yuan landscape painting. The integrated scene and view of inside and outside enlarged the limited space and created infinite emotions. 

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