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冯 羽的博客


冯 羽





博客:139 篇



(2014-01-22 09:50)









                                                             Taipei in Winter Rain


It was already afternoon in Taipei at my arrival. The rainy weather reminds me of the singing “Come to Taipei in winter to see the rain”. On the way to the hotel, I was amazed, even a bit disappointed, by the plain look of this city flying over in front of my eyes. It is in no comparison with Chinese cities of fancy buildings and occasionally bizarre constructions. Why would I come all the way to Taipei in the winter rain? 

As we got off the taxi at the hotel entrance, this elderly taxi driver insisted to take out my huge luggage from the trunk all by himself, without me laying a finger on. It was a scene that’s a bit hard to bear for a young man like me. Up high on the old building apposite the hotel, a line of black concrete characters, in the old Chinese form, was projected on the wall. An inmost warmth traveled through me. It says “Books enrich the poor and ennoble the rich”. These black traditional Song style characters carried some powerful strength, like a statement, or a cry. That was the moment when I found the reason of my presence and my approach to wander through Taipei in winter rain. Search for humanity, the long-lost humanity, the old friend of mine, at the time of the winter rain.

The worn out face of this city as if recorded the years that would never come back again. The imprints of time are as if telling the endless stories of that time. Like a returned soldier covered in scars, proving the battles and wars. Who would not be touched by this realness?

Back in the mainland, old houses are disguised in bright paint, sacrificing for the glory of modernity. Where is the realness? Where is the sincerity? The veins of city drawn by time vanished from our eyes. Cities of plastic are being or already born. A thousand towns, one same face.

I don't think Chinese urban planning officers would care for Taipei’s appearance. They would probably be ashamed if they do. Who would like to be ashamed in public? What’s wrong with looking shabby? This spirit of realness is the very humanity we constantly discarding in our cities. Please take a look. From shop signs to street stands, what have you done to the cities we live in?

Heard a lot about but never been to The Eslite Bookstore. I figured it wouldn’t be anything more than some bookshop, however, saw my misjudgment the moment I walked into it. This space turned out to be a massive culture complex. It was hard to imagine culture industry can still thrive like this in the depressed economy. But somehow, we all knew why.

Lanes in rain, stalls with old-fashioned sign. Even at restaurants, you can’t see any mainland style advertisement but signs written in simple traditional Chinese characters. “Du Xiao Yue”, “Sheng Sheng Man”, these shop signs stand quietly in the drizzle. Like a chanson, bringing me back to our long-lost past.

Taipei, in the winter rain, I am willing to shower myself with your rain of humanity, rain of culture. As if back to the old China, linger at the streets and houses like a poem, a picture. My frequent visits to you would be paid just for the winter rain. 

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