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冯 羽的博客


冯 羽





博客:139 篇


(2013-11-21 09:45)









The Road


Everyone is walking on his own life road. It could be a road of mid-life switch, of life force, even of dream drifted. My humble opinion here is for comrades who have kept forward in their own road more than ten years, twenty years, thirty years or even more.


Having years of social experiences, you may success or fail a time. Meanwhile, you may feel elegant and happy, or upset and depress at that moment of your life. Whatever your attitude to life is, I think reviewing the road regularly you’ve passed is important so as to have a more stable, strong and confidence walk in the future. Only that road the best mirror is that could find a true ego. Only that road is always honesty with you. Only that road keeps loyal to you.


If regarding yourself as a member in culture and art, you have more reason to review the road. Thinking back in youth time, you pick up a pen with full ambition and vigor for painting, writing and design etc. for that moment, you must be an ardent youth obedient to your will. And that will in the ardent mind is directing your life road for ten or twenty years as a day—which is a true mirror for your own.


This will, the beginning of your life road, only by it could you stand the trial of social change and economic shock; resist the pointless temptation in social life; avoid being nothing and fade away in your own field; adjust your physical and mental condition to face and pursuit the meaning of breathing, the value of living. So do take a review of your own road, which use to embrace an ardent mind.




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