作品类别:售 楼 处
在大东城的这套186M2的豪宅设计中设计师采用了材质语汇的对比及造型意象的提炼升华来将其进行设计处理。黑色的木纹石犹如文人笔下的水墨映衬出以(书卷)为意象的白色石材柱及背景墙面,深色的黑檀木代表了深沉悠长的文化底蕴,金色的镶边作为点睛之笔,突出表现手绘的绢绣墙面及有代表性纹样的软包。黑色镜面材质的反射效果为空间加入变化。 整个空间对比强烈,效果突出,华丽不失儒雅,厚重不乏人文。
How to explain the modern Chinese luxury style?
Techniques of material contrast and abstraction of imageries are adopted to carry out the design in the project in Da Dong Cheng with an building area of 184 m2.
Like the Chinese ink and wash painting from the ancient Chinese poets and literary men, the black serpenggiante is in contrast to the white stone pillars which look like the ancient scrolls and the background wall. The dark ebony stands for the long history and richness of Chinese culture. The golden edging, as the key point element, highlights the delicate hand painted wall and the upholstery with typical patterns. On the other hand, the dark mirror material brings a dynamic space by reflection.
The whole space is in an obvious contrast with outstanding effect, gorgeous, graceful, rich and humanistic.