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Dayong Sun





槃达成立于2012年,创始人孙大勇和Chris Precht。工作室由两位创始人名字而命名。分别设立于维也纳和北京。 我们的建筑更加重视内容与文脉,个体与社会的关系,这使得每一次创作都是一次量身定做。我们从生命的角度去理解建筑。我们热爱我们所做的工作, 对建筑的热情让我们对每一次的创造之旅都充满激情与期待。





博客:10 篇


“可乐卷”艺术装置 the "Cola-Bow" Art Installation

(2014-05-21 18:57)


    塑料软装饮料是今天人们生活不可或缺的一部分,随着人们生活水平的提高和饮料市场的发展,对软装饮料的消费需求日益增多。但是,制造塑料瓶需要消耗了大量的石油资源,就拿我国来说,每年生产 PET塑料瓶消耗的石油用量超过1800万吨。一个塑料瓶制造和运输的碳足迹至少排放100g温室气体,和使用笔记本电脑五小时一样多。86%的塑料水瓶了垃圾,最后都变成需要400年至1000年才能降解。

 With the development of the human's life and the market of the drinkings, the plastic bottles also become the most important part of our life. However, large amount of petroleum would be expended to produce such quantity of plastics. As our country, much than 18 million tons of  petroleum taken to produce the PET plastic bottles each year. And 100g carbon would be released when producing the plastic which is the same as 5 hours running of one computer. To make matters worse, plastic is persistent  in the environment where it can remain up to 400 to 1000 years. Surrounded by increased pollution, the sculputure can also be seen as a reminder for creating awareness to recycle plastic waste.



 The cola-bow is a public art installation made out of more than 17.000 recycled plastic bottles, which were braided to create a shape inspired by the swings of the Coca-Cola logo.The bottles were collected by a joint initiative of universities around Beijing and Coca-Cola China to give citizencs a bottle of Coke for every 10 empty ones brought back to a recycling spot. The amount of collected plastic bottles ended up in an entrance conopy to the Student Beijing Design Exhibition.In addition, the sculputure can also be seen as a reminder forcreating awareness to recycle plastic waste. Therefore,it became our consideration how to take advantage of these recycled plastic to make use for construction materials, and play their value without the second polution for the environment. At the same time the  installation should also serve as a statement against plastic pollutionby taking trash and turning it into a shelter. 



这件作品在落成之后,吸引了周围众多参观者的关注。有老人、学生、中年家长带着儿童。大家在观赏的同时情不自禁的去触摸它、讨论它。甚至还有家长专门停下来为孩子讲解设计理念 。还有的孩子会把自己拾到的瓶子放上去。最后使这件作品赋予了新的生命。在作品与观者互动交流的过程中,环保的理念得到了推广和传播,这也是此件作品最大的价值所在。希望未来能有更多的类似的作品产生,把环保的理念传播到每个人的生活中去。把我们未来的生活空间变得越来越健康、越来越美好……

Lots of pepole were interested in the "Cola-Bow"art installation after it had been finished.they couldn't help to touch it and talk about it and the parents even taught their children about the idea of creation. Some children also took their waste bottles on the installation, during the interaction between the visitors and the art, the concept of environmental protection had been spread widely and the value of this art installation had aslo appeared. Wish more and more creations like this could be designing in our life to make the future much healthy and better ...


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