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Dayong Sun





槃达成立于2012年,创始人孙大勇和Chris Precht。工作室由两位创始人名字而命名。分别设立于维也纳和北京。 我们的建筑更加重视内容与文脉,个体与社会的关系,这使得每一次创作都是一次量身定做。我们从生命的角度去理解建筑。我们热爱我们所做的工作, 对建筑的热情让我们对每一次的创造之旅都充满激情与期待。





博客:10 篇



(2011-08-29 16:23)


   属于我自己的空间?当我构思方案的时候,我非常希望能有一个自己的空间能让我不受外界干扰的思考。而且当我思考的时候总喜欢走来走去。因为大脑在伴随着步子节奏进行运转。通常的房间只能让我们看到几条方盒子的界面交界线。视线被无情的阻止,我希望我的眼前拥有的只是风景——山、水、树、自然……所以在这个设计中,27m3的空间让我改造成1m X 9m 的狭长空间。紧能容下一个人在其中行走。但单一的空间过于无聊,所以一条优雅的弧线使空间增加了细微的变化。光线撒在弧线的墙面上,细腻的光影变化诠释出自然材质的表情。传统中国建筑中的翼角飞起就是结合了功能与美学的完美的统一,所以本方案中也利用弧线表达出文化与心灵上的归属感。屋顶的结构韵律般的排列着,与光影交织着舞动。墙面上的小孔在投下晶莹的光的同时也带来了新鲜的风。两端的通透的玻璃把景色直接映入眼帘。如果这个方案能安置在一处被树木环抱的环境中,建造的材料与工艺全部就地取材,最小化的触碰环境,最大化的拥抱自然,我想应该能在其中创造出更多令人感动的设计方案!



My own space, when I conceived some program I always can’t help to image a space owned by myself that make me far away from outside interference. Furthermore I am favor at moving around when I am thinking about something, because my brain operates along with the rhythm of my steps. The rooms usually appeared to us the square boxes with a few interface boundary lines and our sight is unmercifully obstructed. But for me, I hope my eyes just with scenery as mountains, water, trees, nature and so on.


Therefore, in this design a 27m3 space is reconstructed into a narrow space of 1m X 9m only for one person to walk through. However, a graceful arc can make a bald space increase some subtle changes and reduce the boring feelings. When light scattering on the arc of wall, the delicate changes of light and shadow interprets the expression of natural materials. Traditional Chinese architecture in the up wing angle is just a perfect combination of function and aesthetics, so the arc of this program is also express the ascription of culture and spiritual sense.  

Rhythm-like structure of the arranged roof harmoniously complects with light and shadow. Holes in the wall cast the crystal light together with fresh air. Through both ends of the transparent glass we can view the scenery directly. If the program can be placed in a green environment surrounded by trees, thus we can use the local materials as the construction materials and crafts to minimize touching the environment, and maximize an embrace with nature. If so, I believe more and more designs which could move people’s heart should be able to create in my own space


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