原 名 称:Conceptual extension to Whitney Museum of American Art
纽约建筑师事务所Axis Mundi近期为惠特尼美国艺术博物馆设计了一个理念性的扩展项目。设计主题是巨型格子框架结构。原博物馆是由马塞尔•布劳耶在20世纪60年代设计的,Axis Mundi建筑师事务所宣称他们的新设计将传承马塞尔•布劳耶的“野兽派”美学。建筑采用不规则平面布置,地板将在没有任何室内立柱的情况下独立支撑于格子结构之间。
New York architecture practice Axis Mundi have designed a conceptual extension to the Whitney Museum of American Art in Manhattan, featuring a giant lattice structure. The existing museum is a 1960s concrete building by Marcel Breuer and Axis Mundi claim the extension’s exposed concrete frame would be a continuation of Breuer’s brutalist aesthetic. The extension would have an irregular floor plan configured around sight lines that look towards landmarks such as the Empire State Building. The floors would be suspended between the lattice structure without the need for interior columns.