下面是由Meissl和Delugan建筑师,豪华复式是以及之家ray1'的杰作,是当代著名的超现代设在维也纳的结构之一。 The designer goal is how to create the comfortable 21st century penthouse with futuristic shape and furniture.设计者的目标是如何创造舒适的未来21世纪家具的形状和复式。 The house featuring sloping floors, built in furniture that adds to the spatial continuum and the glass ceiling walls, these are creating a grace atmosphere on this apartment interior.这房子具有倾斜地板,家具,增加了内置的空间连续墙和玻璃天花板,这是建立一个在这个公寓室内恩典的气氛。 Beside this, the apartment equipped with a kitchen that is referred as “culinary cockpit” and a stairway that cantilevers from the side of the building, and ramp flooring that leads to the “living zone”, the family favorite.除了这个,公寓配备了被认为是“烹饪驾驶舱”和一个楼梯,从厨房里提到的建设方面,地板和坡道,导致“生活区”,家庭最喜爱的悬臂。 It's a lavish penthouse with amazing views, and that's a perfect sample of beautiful harmony of architecture work.这是一个惊人的看法豪华复式,这是一个美丽和谐的建筑工作完美范例。