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Samuele Martelli的博客


Samuele Martelli

Oobiq 建築設計






博客:3 篇


Song of Song专卖店(深圳益田假日) 2010 April

(2010-07-26 10:13)




Song of Song is the luxury fashion label created by Shenzhen Yinger Group, one of the most important enterprises in Chinese fashion market. Thanks to its brand development strategy, and the expansion of its Chinese retail network, it has developed other brands including YINER, PSALTER and INSUN. 

Song of Song 是深圳影儿集团精心打造的奢侈时尚品牌,该企业在中国时装市场具有领导地位。由其成功发展品牌战略,以及大幅开拓其中国零售网络,它同时发展了数个自家品牌,包括YINERPSALTER INSUN 


Yinger Group appointed Oobiq Architects to upgrade the retail identity of Song of Song. The original store image was not too strong, made basically of white wooden panels on the wall, shiny bright marbles on the floor and simple stainless steel hangers. So the main target for Oobiq Architects was to think how to use the materials which was representing the brand but in a new and more interesting way.

影儿集团指定欧比可建筑设计为Song of Song进行改造以提高品牌地位。第一代店面形象欠缺冲击力,基本元素为白色木制墙体装饰及光泽明亮的大理石地板,配以简单的不锈钢衣架。因此,欧比可建筑设计的首要任务是构思如可以一个新颖有趣的方式运用原有建材以保留品牌印象。


After the creative process by Oobiq Architects’ talented design team, a new design born. The white wooden panels come together with new parts in soft and feminine dark grey velvet, while a pattern of overlapping rectangles becomes the main decoration of the shop, a sort of new logo for the company. This decoration also appears on the background in all shop windows and some areas in the shop. The showcases present in a minimal structure where the only precious detail is left to the material. This helps to make more evident on the preciousness of the accessories. Hangers are still in stainless steel, but it’s designed as a tape embracing the niches in the wall, which are covered with dark gray velvet. The stainless steel is applied on the free standing hangers also. A travertine marble in bright with elegant tones of brown is the material chosen for the floor. The new concept and the use of materials perfectly show the brand identity, luxury and elegance.


The first store applied Oobiq Architects’ newly built retail identity opened in Holiday Plaza in Shenzhen, one of the most popular shopping malls in Guangdong province. The location chosen by Yinger Group is quite smart, as the long and curved facade helps to promote the new design of the brand, drawing a lot of attention to the iconic decoration which has been used to give an identity to the brand.




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