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Samuele Martelli的博客


Samuele Martelli

Oobiq 建築設計






博客:3 篇


Giamma 解码旗舰店(重庆北城天街)- 2009

(2010-07-26 10:11)

A new established company that is really ambitious and it is willing to become one of the most notable brand in China, on one side. A Hong Kong based office, headed by two Italian directors with strong experience in Retail and Fashion, on the other. The encounter between these two parties was the starting point of an exciting project.



Giammabruns Italian Boutique is a new settled company that will distribute in Mainland China trendy Italian brands that are really popular in Europe. Especially one of these brands is so famous as its owners are two very popular Italian former football players.  So the idea of the company was to bring to China these brands so popular and well accepted by young ladies in Italy.

Giammabruns解码意大利精品店将欧洲非常受欢迎的意大利时尚品牌带到中国大陆。精品店内其中一个非常著名的品牌Sweet Years正是由两位意大利足球名将马尔蒂尼及维耶里所成立。把这些让意大利女士疯狂热爱的流行品牌引进中国正是这个品牌的理念。


The approach to a brand new concept, and even more for a new established company, is quite an exciting task for a design office, but also very challenging.  It is not about creating only an interior but this is a process that often is a cross-over with marketing, brand images, commercial strategies, never forgetting the psychological  aspect of future customers.  Once Oobiq Architects directors – Giambattista Burdo and Samuele Martelli – met the ownership and shared the basic ideas of this project, the main target was quite clear: to create a modern image for these shops, with evident memories of European style.

为新品牌甚至新公司制定设计方向对设计事务所来说既兴奋又具排战性!这不是单纯的一个室内设计项目,而是建立一个交织着市场营销,品牌形象,商业战略,还有客户心理的庞大体系。OOBIQ欧比可建筑设计的建筑师Giambattista BurdoSamuele Martelli与品牌持有人一拍即合,在初步沟通后即得出明确的目标:为品牌店铺建立一个摩登而让人印象深刻的欧洲风格!


But the whole environment had to be minimal as the main character in the shops should always be the goods, not the shops themselves. In particular, the fashion items sold in these shops have a very strong identity, so the basic idea of Giambattista Burdo and Samuele Martelli was to create a minimal box where to display them, in order to create a contrast between the richness of the clothes and the minimal design of the shop.

但整个环境必需简约低调因主角始终是产品而不是商店。特别是这些品牌的时装本身有很强的识别性,所以Giambattista BurdoSamuele Martelli想出以简约的盒子去陈列时装,服装的丰富质感与简约的商店造型撞出强烈的对比。


This Chongqing shop is the biggest of Giammabruns Italian Boutique till now. It isabout 500 squared meters, inside one of the most successful commercial spaces in town.  The concept for the brand plans always a wall on the façade that remind of Europe: a glossy white wooden surface with decoration that reminds of French boiserie is detached from the walls, as floating on the air, thanks to the lights around that make the space between wall and wooden surfaces as disappearing.



The free standing displays, of different sizes to fit the requirements of the brand, introduce something more.

The shape is still very minimal, a sort of loop, where the outside surface is very close to the feeling of the walls, while inside there is a sort of surprise.  A richer material, more precious and so hidden is covering all inside the free standing display. This copper surface is also the material for the bottom of the cashier desk and also the inside of the hanged lights.  Everything is custom-made for this concept, designed by Oobiq Architects especially for this brand, so all the objects present the same feeling and same finishing.


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