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Kevin Ni 倪益新


Kevin Ni倪益新



边合空间设计是一个在室内设计以及空间规划方面拥有专业能力和丰富经验的设计团队,涵盖商业空间、居住空间、办公空间等... A professional design team with expertise in space planning and interior design. We specialise in project management from the initial concept to the final lick of paint in a wide variety of environments, including residential space, office space, commercial space,and so on. . 设计作品及访谈先后收录于台湾《室内Interior》,美国室内《InteriorDesign》,《现代装饰》,《装修情报》,《怡悦办公IV》,《中国室内设计年鉴》以及ArchDaily,Archello,谷德设计网,美国室内设计中文网等知名媒体平台... ■■Email: ■■Wechat: nbcni07 ■■Website:




博客:10 篇



(2018-08-20 13:48)



The old things can always be kept only in memories with nostalgic feelings when the new age rolls in, but for designers, it's a permanent pursuit to keep them up to date.



Shanghai Penta Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute is a shared working space renovated from an old plant. With its own courtyard, the building itself endured vicissitudes of history, embodying the enterprising spirit of "starting over the impregnable pass, though it's full of bumps", and embracing the innovative office model with a inclusive posture. The city develops and changes as tides, but buildings should be preserved for their duration, just like the classical music full of precious memory and historical value.



To combine the client's requirements for functions and the shared office features, designers set up offices, conference rooms, exhibitions, road show, gym, and leisure spaces in different floors with a crossing style, which make the spaces relatively separated but also connected to each other to meet different usage requirements of various groups.



For the large space treatment, the designers hope to keep its existing traces and fabric, including the cracks on terrazzo floors and holes on concrete columns, all these flaws are part of the space, presenting the clash of the new and the old, they form a newborn space by firstly breaking and then establishing. The plain cement and terrazzo offer an industrial feeling through their cold and hard nature, while the wood finish and the wood-wool panel bring a sense of warm. Proper collocation of several materials neutralize with each other to form a warm united office of creativity.



   The designers are passionate for hierarchical but concise space feeling, so they divide then combine the space horizontally and vertically. the 2 cantilevered platforms and the partial void design on ceiling of the lobby offer a rich sense of layering, also enhance the interaction among each area; the incorporation of bar counter and column, together with the subtle cantilever symbolize the creativity of breaking the traditional constraints; the timber grating on both sides filter the day lighting, which separate the space but also create the open and transparent atmosphere in it;the original staircase walls are all demolished, from closed to open style, the cantilevered stair steps and metal mesh balustrades make it looks more light and graceful.  the peacock blue wraps the whole elevator wall up to top floor and become the highlight of the whole space.



The office area is comprised of black iron plates, plain cements, terrazzo and white emulsion paint, the low saturation create a peaceful feel, several discussion areas appear as cases of various colors inserting in it, which make the space more vivid, the people's activity in and the relationship with it become closer and fun, meanwhile, an experience of indulging is generated, make the discussing more relaxing and concentrated. A stable space with the sense of belonging can keep people lingering, making them think more clearly to get more insights.



   Everything begins and ends. With the theme of "breaking before establishing", the project maintains the building's unique historical flavor at the same time of endowing it new face of contemporary art. The design with the sense of age offers not only the delicacy, but also a familiar heart touch and everlasting exclaiming in motion.













项目名称: 上海五角场双创学院办公空间设计案

Project Name: Working space - Shanghai Penta Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute

室内主创设计师: 倪益新,成昆

Interior Chief Designer: Kevin Ni , Coco Cheng


Architect For Facade: Ethan Wang

空间性质: 办公空间

Space Type:  Working space

坐落位置: 中国上海

Location: Shanghai, China

主要材料: 水磨石,木丝板,素水泥,木饰面,仿铜不锈钢,铁板喷漆,金属网,

Main Finishes Terrazzo, wood-wool panel, plain cement, timber finish, copper-like stainless steel, paint spray on iron plate, metal mesh,     

摄影师: 李春风

Photographer :Li Chunfeng


Editor & Translator : Zu chuan , Esther

设计面积: 5000平米

Design Area: 5000

完工时间: 201807

Completion DateJul. 2018






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