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博客:7 篇



(2017-11-15 14:41)




There were three sisters who used to live together. After one of them got married, the rest two decided to leave and bought a new home using the accumulated savings over the years. They hoped to live a new life of their dream, desiring a space that is bright and airy, as well as the kind of bath and kitchen facilities they never had a chance to enjoy. Under constraint of actual space and budget, they chose to accept the designer’s proposal to keep the lifestyle from childhood. That is, sharing one bedroom accommodating the old double bed from past, and one bathroom space featuring mutual clothing storage. Consequently, resources can be focused on kitchen and dining space, from where they can live their consuming passion for cooking, share with their friends the wonderful course of cooking each time through documenting, and eventually enjoy the quality of life.


晚婚女性世代,在逐漸累積經濟基礎後,選擇和親人共居的傾向逐漸顯著,面對現實的經濟條件,在空間和預算受限的情況下,要如何居住?要過何種生活方式?如何在「個人區分所有」和「公同共有」兩種空間中取得平衡,這是女性世代自立的重要選題。這個設計案中的格局規劃想法,讓「共享」和「取捨」成為這種新世代住宅設計時的最佳解答,創造出不同於一般格局和想法的「SHARE HOUSE」。

After somewhat financially accumulated, single female generation of postponed matrimony has a growing tendency to choose living with their blood relatives. And when they are confronted by the reality of both space and budget constraints, more aspects need to be considered, such as what residence to expect and what lifestyle to lead. This has become an important agenda for independent women to reach a balance between individual and joint ownership. The spatial planning on this project is to create a “share house” different from any ordinary residence, making “share” and “trade-off” the best answer when it comes to residential design of new era.


設計理念Design Concept


Focused on resources, efficient allocation, and reduction on private sphere that is strictly divided up, making the overall apartment a public space for co-residents to share.


企劃意義Intent of Planning and Development


Extravagant urban housing prices are a huge financial burden for single female to purchase a home of her own. And the trend of female generation of postponed matrimony to live together and support each other is on the rise. The intent of planning is to propose a residential solution for the sustainability of female independence, by providing a space that is uniquely configured and a vision that echoes individual lifestyle.


創意理念Originality and Ingenuity

1.    全室以北歐簡約風格為主,透過大量留白,創造明亮開放的空間感。

2.    大膽捨棄既有3房格局,改採1室的臥房空間規劃,並讓衛浴、衣櫃收納空間集中於一處,創造更佳的使用坪效。

3.    縝密的餐廚空間規劃,設計黑白相見的個性廚房,成為分享與紀錄料理過程的最佳舞台。

4.    以彈性隔間創造客室空間的可能,讓晚歸的一方可以在此活動或小憩。

5. 臥室與衛浴空間的一體性,水迴和家事工作空間的集中,可依使用情況維持開放或封閉的私密性。

1. Apply Nordic simple style, and create a sense of brightness and spaciousness through a great deal of white space.

2. Restructure the cluttered 3-room configuration into one bedroom and allocate the bath and clothing storage into one spot, so as to develop higher space efficiency.

3. Feature the black-and-white kitchen as the best platform for sharing and documenting the clients’ love for cooking, through careful spatial planning.

4. Make guest lounge become available with flexible partitions, allowing the other member who returns home late to stretch or rest a bit.

5. Integrate bedroom and bathing area, ensure water circulation in line with housework flow, and make privacy possible according to usage.


設計情感Intention of Designer


As a female delaying marriage and living with dear younger sister, the designer is absolutely able to relate to the needs and concerns of her clients. She had every intention to support the clients’ ideas of living a beautiful life through spatial design, and thus she put forward a daring idea of de-cluttering all those narrow and separated units. The initial effort to empower diligent women who strive for their dreams and better quality of life has inspired future residential planning of this type to transform and bloom in Taiwan.



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