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暮色Golden Gloaming

(2017-11-15 14:42)

暮色Golden Gloaming



After acquiring fruitful life experiences, the successful couple decided to find a high-quality place to relieve their souls.The two who have excellent taste of beauty, having extremely high standard requirement for the quality of life. When they knew they can own the fascinating sunset view every day through the windows due to the single-family apartments surrounding, they decided to choose the property without any second thought. The quiet environment and good ventilation are the main reasons for their purchase as well.


權釋設計 設計總監 李冠瑩根據住家高度、開窗方位與基地座向,做出貼近業主家族需求的格局規劃。妥善利用室內寬敞的空間感,選用中性低彩度且相對內斂的色系與素材,並局部點綴鍍鈦金屬或皮革作襯色,創造出良好自然光影映射條件的居所,與遠處港邊晚霞暮色的斑斕色彩相輝映,詮釋精品飯店氛圍的高層住宅。

In order to design a delicate home which is exactly what the homeowners need, the designing team planned the structure based on the height, the position of windows and the property orientation. To make good use of the spacious space, the designers chose neutral color and relatively inconspicuous tint decorated with titanium and leather material. Creating anamazing reflex of natural light. The gorgeous color of sunset from the distant harbor make the homeowners experience a boutique hotel atmosphere of a high-rise home.



The wall of television used white leather matched with the titanium metal strip. Allowing the soft leather absorb the strong evening sun, and only part of the sun will reflex on the slender metal side. Besides, the designers turned the study room into an open space, making the social value of public area to the most extent, and create a rich leisure life.


樂於款待好友的兩人,喜愛分享自身興趣給親朋好友。設計師為因應男主人對於品酒宴客的喜好,在既有的廚房空間外,於餐廳旁再增設吧台區域,以仿古鏡面材質創造出專屬於男主人的居家Lounge Bar。同時讓客廳的光線映射效果,能夠被延伸渲染至吧台空間,避免中段區域的陰暗問題。而對料理有著濃厚興趣的女主人,則擁有大量的瓷器收藏,設計師特地將她的喜好也融入於餐廚區,透過精品展示櫃營造團聚時的氛圍。

The couple enjoys serving a kind hospitality and share their interests with their friends. Therefore, the designers set up a bar along the side of the dining area in order to respond the host’s wine tasting interest. Using antique mirror material created the exclusive “Lounge Bar”. At the same time, the light effect from the living room can be extended to the bar area due to the mirror material, avoiding the dark problem in the middle space of the kitchen. On the other hand, the hostess has a strong interest in cooking, who also has an abundant porcelain collection. We build up an elegant showcase so as to integrate her passion in dining area. Creating a conversation topic for their gathering.



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