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美洲 1500 办公室酒店综合体,墨西哥

(2017-05-27 14:21)

AMÉRICAS 1500 这座办公室和酒店综合体位于瓜达拉哈拉市中心。他正式、有力、统一的体量感传达出了作为标志性建筑的特征。设计概念源自建筑未来会承担的混合性功能:四个堆叠的几何形体组成了建筑的主体部分,其中两个部分略微偏移并在最末端的平面再次对齐。这种不稳定性是为了打破建筑呆板、稳固的外表,增加一抹优雅的运动感。整个建筑的底部空间是用作酒店客房,上面的三个体块分别为三家不同的公司提供办公空间。

This mixed-use project for offices and a hotel is located in the heart of the city of Guadalajara. Its formal, emphatic, and unified volumetrics express its iconic nature. The formal concept arises from the mixed-use character it will acquire, consisting of four stacked geometric volumes. Two of these are slightly offset, and exactly aligned on the rear face. These gestures of displacement are designed to interrupt the robustness of the building and express an elegant sense of movement. The lowest volume houses the hotel, and the three volumes above it are allocated to office use by three different corporations, each occupying one volume in its entirety.

▼建筑外观,appearance of the building

▼建筑主体部分略微偏移的体块在最末端的平面再次对齐,two out of four stacked geometric volumes are slightly offset, and aligned on the rear face

该建筑毗邻城市中一条最主要的高速公路 Americas Ave.,将周边环境因素纳入考量后,设计团队决定使用双侧幕墙结构以更好的隔离建筑内部与外界环境。

As a response to its urban context, adjacent to one of the city’s most significant urban highways, Americas Ave., the building presents a façade resembling a double skin, enveloping it for its protection.

▼建筑毗邻城市中主要的高速公路,building is adjacent to one of the city’s urban highways


设计过程中最大的挑战是建筑的四个外立面中有三面都有强烈的光照,为了保证建筑内部均匀的光照条件,设计团队采用嵌入式铝框架。最外侧的铝制结构有着特殊设计的角度,以创造恰到好处的阴影,避免建筑内部聚集过量的光线和热量。此外,双层的玻璃幕墙保证了内部稳定的温度环境。建筑外观流畅、重复的线条赋予了它独特且永恒的品质,强调了地标建筑的经典的形象。同时这也是墨西哥西部第一座获得 LEED 认证的环保建筑。

The solar gain the building will receive on three of its four sides was one of the most significant design challenges. For this reason, the faces respond to this need with recessed aluminum framing, in the style of a curtain wall, specifically designed at the correct angle to create shadows and avoid excessive solar gain. On top of this, the building uses double glazing offering a high degree of solar protection. The purity and repetition of the lines of the façade grant it unique and timeless qualities that enhance its iconic character. As a result, it is the first building of this type in the west of the country to receive LEED certi cation.

▼外表皮的铝制结构,recessed aluminum framing curtain wall

▼特殊设计的角度保护建筑内部的光热环境,the specially designed angel of the structure protects the internal solar and thermal environment



The ground floor is conceived as a plaza, a large public space, providing access and transit for the building’s various uses. A triple elevator core facilitates the operation of the hotel, offices, parking lot, and services. The vehicular and pedestrian entrances are set in a large plaza with textures and vegetation giving pedestrians priority over cars. The dominant textures used in the floor surface are natural limestone, which continues the geometry of the façade across the ground, with randomly-placed areas of paving.

▼建筑的主入口的铺装和绿化延续了建筑外表皮的机理,the main entrance with textures continued the pattern of the building’s facade

▼由主入口进入办公空间大厅,the entrance hall for the offices

Torre Américas 1500 是整个综合体建设的第一阶段。整个建筑占地 4,166 平方米,建筑面积 29,461 平方米,地面上共有26层,天台附有一个直升机停机坪。地面下共有七层,总面积达到 28,509 平方米。整个建筑结构设计基于预应力混凝土板和核心筒的部分。

Torre Américas 1500 is the first stage of development of a whole complex. This first stage is located on a site measuring 4,116 m2, with a built area of 29,461 m2 distributed over 26 floors from the ground floor to the last office level, below the heliport. There are 7 basement levels covering a total of 28,509 m2. The structural design is based on post-tensioned concrete slabs and a central circulation core.

▼位于建筑另一侧的酒店入口,the entrance of the hotel located on the other side of the building

▼酒店大堂,hotel’s lobby


▼观景露天泳池,sky pool

▼高层的开放观景空间,the opening space for viewing




Architectural Project: Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos
President: Javier Sordo Madaleno
Architecture Leader: Javier Sordo Madaleno de Haro
Project Leader: Boris Pena
Program: Mixed Use
Construction Area: 57,970 m2
Terrain Area: 4,116 m2
Termination Date: 2016
Status: Built
Location: Guadalajara, Mexico

Architectural Team:
Project Manager: Andrés Harfuch
Production Manager: Cándido Hernández
Design Team: Juan Marin de la Plaza, Miguel Baranda, Abraham Gracía, Luis A. Cabello
Engineering Coordination: Marcos Hernández
Engineering Team: ADC Soluciones Integrales para la Construcción
Construction Coordination: ADC Soluciones Integrales para la Construcción
Media & Marketing: Rosalba Rojas, María Luisa Guzmán

Interior Design: Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos
Interior Director: Nadia Borrás, Enrique Ralph
Interior Team: Fernanda Patiño
Structural Engineering: Luis Bozzo Estructuras y Proyectos
Structural Supervision: Alba Proyectos
Electrical Engineering: Fortuis Electromecánica S.A. de C.V.
Air Conditioning Engineering: ICC Aire Acondicionado S.A. de C.V.
Systems & Special Engineering: Teleintra S.A. de C.V.
Hydrosanitary Engineering: Construcciones y Proyectos Hidráulicos y Sanitarios S.A. de C.V.
Lighting Consultant: Sistemas y Soluciones en E ciencia Energética S.A. de C.V.
Audio & Video Consultant: Teleintra S.A. de C.V.
Landscape Consultant: lantica S.A. de C.V.
Security Consultant: Bravo Sentinelas
Construction: Constructora Anteus
Photographs: Rafael Gamo 
Certificate: LEED Silver

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