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(2017-05-27 14:21)

在美国加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉的一个码头上,SPORTS 建筑设计事务所为一件名为“逃离 Runaway”的艺术装置举办了开幕式。这件装置是圣巴巴拉当代艺术博物馆(MCASB)的竞赛获奖设计,2017 年推出了新的公共艺术活动,旨在将艺术带入户外空间。项目因其明亮、俏皮的特征,模块化的功能,和对圣巴巴拉地区文化的交流而最终获奖。该装置于 2017 年 3 月在圣巴巴拉的海滨地区开始安装,伺候将在圣巴巴拉地区的几处场地巡回展出。

Santa Barbara, CA – SPORTS, the architecture and design collaboration of Greg Corso and Molly Hunker, is pleased to announce the opening of Runaway, the winning pavilion design for the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara (MCASB) international pavilion competition, part of take part | makeart: taking art outdoors, a new public art initiative launched in 2017. Chosen for its bright, playful character, functional modularity, and thoughtful dialogue with Santa Barbara’s local atmosphere, Runaway was installed at the Waterfront area of Santa Barbara in March 2017, the first of several locations the pavilion will travel to throughout 2017.

▼艺术装置鸟瞰,bird’s eye view


目前全球各类建筑师计划展开了丰富的活动:从伦敦的蛇形画廊到纽约现代艺术博物馆 MoMA 的 PS1 青年建筑师计划。圣巴巴拉的 MCASB 也策划了一个新型的设计竞赛,博物馆会提供奖金并帮助获奖者实现展品,成果还会以展览的形式面向市民展出。这次的获奖作品为轻薄的钢结构矩阵,三个模块化的设计可以被组合成各种不同的形式,在不同的地区都能激发民众不同的使用方式,增加项目的互动性和参与度。

Inspired by similar annual contemporary pavilion initiatives ranging from the Serpentine Pavilions in London to MoMA PS1’s Young Architects Program in Ne w York, MCASB’s takepart | makeart’s pavilion design competition builds upon previous engagement with contemporary architecture and design through the 2014 exhibition Almost Anything Goes. For winning the competition, SPORTS received an award of $5,000 as well as an additional $45,000 to support their project, and worked with MCASB curators to produce, build, permit, and install the final design. Constructed as a matrix of thin steel rods, the pavilion design features three modular objects that can be oriented in a number of ways. Hunker explains, “The various orientations allow for a variety of programs to be supported by the pavilion throughout its life-span on the different sites. The intention is for the three structures to be oriented differently at each of the site locations so as to have a renewed existence, and to provoke new uses and interesting engagements at each new location.”

▼摆放在码头上的艺术装置,the installation is installed on a pier

▼被激活的公共空间,吸引市民的互动,activated public spaces by contemporary design

作为一种现代艺术品,Runaway 吸引了周边的市民以意想不到的方式进行互动,并鼓励居民和艺术家思考现代艺术是如何激活和带动公共空间活力的。工作室的其中一位负责人认为这个设计有高饱和度的视觉效果和充满活力的内在品质,就好像圣巴巴拉海滨不断变化的光和雾,受到人们的喜爱。

As a contemporary artwork, Runaway invites communities to view and interact in unexpected ways with their surroundings, and, in doing so, encourages residents as well as artists to consider how contemporary design can activate and energize public spaces. “Our design emphasizes a vibrantly saturated visual environment that aims at architecturalizing the blurry or hazy aesthetic qualities of the air of Santa Barbara,” says Hunker, alluding to the ever-changing light and fog of Santa Barbara that is well-loved by locals and tourists alike.

▼雾一般的视觉效果,the ever-changing light and fog

▼装置的细部,details of the installation

Runway 是圣芭芭拉户外艺术活动的第一个项目。随后的展览将不断改变场地的环境,并加入一系列知名社会实践艺术家为核心的研讨会和活动。

Runaway is the first element of takepart | makeart: taking art outdoors to be installed in Santa Barbara. Subsequent programming will center around the pavilion’s location, featuring a series of workshops and events led by well-known social practice artists.

▼模块化的单体设计,functional modularity

▼不同的组合方式,the three structures could be oriented differently

▼运输和安装,construction and tranportation

▼颜色的不同组合方式,different color-mix

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