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幻象之穹,丹麦 / Atelier Kristoffer Tejlgaard

(2017-05-27 14:20)

Dome of Visions 3.0是穹顶系列的第三次试验,旨在探索温室建筑对生活质量的影响。试验将人们日常生活使用最多的空间,通过被动受光受热的外表皮包围来产生第三种气候。这个既不是室内也不是室外的环境,为人与自然的交流创造了条件。这个无法定义的穹顶重新解释了建筑和生存环境:人们选择的建造方式和对未来的影响,以及这种选择对人们居住环境的影响。人们所做的改变将影响整个世界,因此,需要慎重考虑。

Dome of Visions 3.0 is the third dome in a series of experiments. DoV is an experiment that aims to create knowledge about how it affects our architecture and our well-being to build inside a greenhouse and work with a passive and solar heated space as a building envelope that generates a third climate, as the majority of the area we use. A space that is neither inside nor outside and therefore provides a better space for a meeting between man and nature.Uncertainty as a premise promotes a sensitivity – a sensitivity for the choices we make and the consequences hereof,  for the space we create and the world we live in and live with. If we do something different, things will be different – hence, what we do and how we do it is important. 

▼穹顶全貌,full view of the dome

DoV 3.0这样的当代文化中心需要与世界交流。设计师带着责任感和期待将这个项目展示给大众。这个系列的项目作为文化中性,给人们提供一个舒适的,开放的,安全的空间去交流。在这样的社交场合中,通过对未来发展的交流来加深彼此对世界的理解。

The meeting with the world is pivotal to a modern culture center such as DOV 3.0. We have chosen to meet the world with a responsibility and desire that this responsibility is embraced and put into dialogue. As a cultural center, DOV3.0 will form a framework where people with ease can meet in an open and safe space where ideas and thoughts can be exchanged and unfolded through trust. We want to make room for events where people can meet to evolve and where conversations can give weight to our understanding of the world.

▼DoV 3.0提供了一个开阔的交流和展示中心,DoV 3.0 provides a wide space for meeting and communication

▼穹顶里的温室环境,green house under the dome

▼人与自然于温室中和谐共存,natural environment inside


All construction is temporary; it is only a matter of perspective. The fact that Dome of Visions is ‘more’ temporary than many other buildings provides a stronger invitation to think about the circuits the materials are a part of and to contemplate how the building is constructed in order to be disassembled again as well as the ways in which the constituent-elements can enter the world in new.

▼采用临时性木材装配,using wood as temporary materials


When the dome is clad with polycarbonate in rhombus shapes, instead of hexagons or triangles, waste is reduced from the sheets and at the overlapping joints. When the curved CNC-milled beams can be assembled in a simple laser cut steel node, the amount of steel is reduced and the production is optimized in a way that makes it easier to assemble and requires less energy. When energy is spent on carrying out a thorough digital modeling of the building, it helps to provide a more clear construction site and assembly process. When it is decided to let robots and machines do what they know best, it releases time for the craftsmen to focus on what they are passionate about. When the choices we make continually create simpler and easier structures as well as lowering the resource pressures on the globe, we know that we have made the right choices  and that we have hit the right degree of sensitivity towards the spaces we create.

▼选用菱形为穹顶装配模式,the dome is clad with polycarbonate in rhombus shapes


▼采用机器和人工智能装配,through a thorough digital modeling of the building

设计师选用木头作为DoV 3.0材料是基于对其可持续利用特性的考虑,同时邀请木材供应商共同决定材料的在设计中的运用以及设计中的其他元素。这种相互协调的合作方式也促使了材料的最大化利用,减少浪费,优化设计。

When we choose wood as the all bearing material in DOV 3.0 it is, based on our current knowledge, the sustainable choice. It also applies when we choose to let the knowledge of the material producers be co decision makers in designing the building’s elements.  The same applies when we choose to let the material producers’ knowledge be part of the design of the building’s elements. It is the interaction that allows us to utilize the materials in the best manner; to optimize the material consumption in the design and reduce the amount of waste by respecting the material dimensions in the design process.

▼采用木材为作为可持续利用材料,wood as sustainable materials


事实已经证明DoV 3.0空间为各种活动,演讲,辩论,交流,音乐会和展览提供了宽阔的场地,让人们可以在其中开阔眼界,打开思路。因此,设计师坚信DoV 3.0将会让人们通过多样性和容易接受的方式学到更多东西。这个空间结合了当前的人类智慧并且鼓励人们去发表自己的想法,以及规划他们的未来。这个项目所包含的知识已经明确了这一点,为此,设计师感到欣慰和自豪。

We can see that the Dome of Vision 3.0 serves as a framework where space has been created for a wide variety of events, lectures, debates, conversations, concerts and exhibitions that can open eyes, ears, thoughts and senses. Consequently, we feel confident that with DOV 3.0, we have created a place where people will meet to grow wiser through receptiveness and stronger through diversity; where knowledge of today has been utilized and continue to evolve in the meeting between people willing to reflect new ideas and solutions and start drawing the future – that our current knowledge has manifested itself in a snapshot pointing forward. For that we are both grateful and proud.

▼夜色中的建筑,architecture in the dark


The dome:
Dimensions: 24m diameter, 10,5m height
Footprint: 450m2
Garden: 130m2
Volume: 2.950m3
Surface area: 794m2
Beams: 588
Nodes: 282
Facade: 283 6mm sheets of polycarbonate
Top opening: 25m2 
Bolts: 8.600

The house:
Area groundfloor: 120m2
Area first floor: 140m2
CLT: 100 m3

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