(2011-08-02 17:31)
所 在 地:冰岛 雷克雅维克 建筑面积:28000平方米
Project Area: 28,000 sqm
这个大型的项目位于陆地和海洋的交接处,它巨大的光芒四射的雕塑形体既映照着天空也映照着海港空间,同时是对城市动感生活的再现。壮观的外表面是由亨宁哈拉尔森事务所,丹麦/冰岛艺术家奥拉维尔•埃利亚松,来自德国的工程公司Rambøll和艺术工程公司GmbH密切合作完成的。音乐厅和会议中心共占地28000平方米,位于一个独立的场地内,有着朝着海洋和雷克雅维克附近山体的绝佳视野。中心包含一个建筑前面的到达处和前厅空间,中间是四个大厅,后面是办公,管理,彩排和更衣室等空间。三个大厅依次排列,公共通道位于南侧,后台通道位于北侧。第四层是一个包含有小型私密展示厅和宴会厅的多功能大厅。从前厅看去,大厅形成一个山形的体量,如同海岸的岩石,与生动和开放的立面形成鲜明的对比。“岩石”中心是建筑最大的大厅,即主要的音乐厅,这是一个充斥着激情红色的空间。项目设计还包含当地Batteríið Architect事务所的努力
Situated on the border between land and sea, the Centre stands out as a large, radiant sculpture reflecting sky and harbor space as well as the vibrant life of the city. The spectacular facades have been designed in close collaboration between Henning Larsen Architects, the Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson and the engineering companies Rambøll and Art Engineering GmbH from Germany. The Concert Hall and Conference Centre of 28,000 m2 is situated in a solitary spot with a clear view of the enormous sea and the mountains surrounding Reykjavik. The Centre features an arrival- and foyer area in the front of the building, four halls in the middle and a backstage area with offices, administration, rehearsal hall and changing room in the back of the building. The three large halls are placed next to each other with public access on the south side and backstage access from the north. The fourth floor is a multial hall with room for more intimate shows and banquets. Seen from the foyer, the halls form a mountain-like massif that similar to basalt rock on the coast forms a stark contrast to the expressive and open facade. At the core of the rock, the largest hall of the Centre, the main concert hall, reveals its interior as a red-hot centre of force. The project is designed in collaboration with the local architectural company, Batteríið Architects.
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