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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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House in Tróia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

(2010-12-15 15:48)

December 14th, 2010

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

Doors in this Portuguese house by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto are rendered in the same material as the walls to give the impression of closed blocks around a terrace. 

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

Located on the Tróia peninsular, the residence features a series of interlocking volumes creating a series of recessed, shaded patios.

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

The following details are from Jorge Mealha Arquitecto:

House in Tróia

For the surrounding ground, a Set of virtually blank solids perform a dialectically tensioned play, searching, through scale and accentuation on the surfaces edges outlines, the emphasis on the light/shadow interplay, proposing an ever changing reading throughout the day.

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

The outline and voiding of the mass proposes an articulation of solids and wall surrounded patios, succeeding each other in the organization of a rhythmic sequence of a fluid program.

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

The openings either of limited dimensions or placed in the interstitial spaces, in between the various solids, allow, in a quite controlled way, the fruition of chosen frames.

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

The scale, the openings and the skylights, become instruments for light capture and redirection, either diffused or of a direct nature, drawing and sprinkling with light the interior planes throughout the daylight cycle.

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

Within the inner perimeter, a sequence of horizontal and vertical interplays between the various solids, voids and outlines, create the spatial identity structure of the house.

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto
With plastered blank shutters, in the same finishing as the coating of the outside walls, when shut, lead to virtually blank solids, in the pursuit of a clear reading of the format.

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto
Some ambiguities in the reading and definition of the containing and the contained elements inter-relations plays with the observer’s capacity and interest in the decoding of space and shape design.

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

Architect: Jorge Mealha
Location: Clube Soltróia, plot 82, Tróia, Portugal
Project Team: Arch. João Sítima, Arch. Luís Banazol, Arch. Pedro Pereira, Arch. Marcelo Dantas
Client: Private
Project Area: 388,50 m2
Photographs: Jorge Mealha

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

House in Troia by Jorge Mealha Arquitecto

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