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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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(2011-07-12 19:48)

Dezeen's top ten: toilets

Since our story on the P-Tree urinal that straps to a tree (above, bottom left) was so popular, this month’s top ten is all about toilets.  1: readers couldn&
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Living-Tools by Yi-Cong Lu

(2011-06-14 17:44)

Living Tools by Yi-Cong Lu

Living-Tools by Yi-Cong Lu June 14th, 2011 Tweet DMY Berlin: Leipzig designer Yi-Cong Lu presented these collapsible lamps at DMY Berlin earlier this month. Called Living-Tools, the collection
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Shan Valla at The Temporium

(2010-12-19 13:28)

Shan Valla at The Temporium December 16th, 2010 Tweet The Temporium: London designer Shan Valla is selling these porcelain birds and bunnies at our pop-up store The Temporium, open until Su
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DTILE by Peter van der Jagt, Erik Jan Kwakkel and Arnout Visser

DTILE by Peter van der Jagt, Erik Jan Kwakkel and Arnout Visser December 16th, 2010 Tweet Dutch designers Peter van der Jagt, Erik Jan Kwakkel and Arnout Visser have developed a system of kitche
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Shokki by Laurent Corio

(2010-12-19 13:24)

Shokki by Laurent Corio December 16th, 2010 Tweet More design for the kitchen: these cooking vessels by Paris designer Laurent Corio are made of white clay with coloured enamelled inte
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Kaj by Karim Rashid at Dezeen Watch Store

Kaj by Karim Rashid at Dezeen Watch Store December 17th, 2010 Tweet Dezeen Watch Store: the Kaj watch by New York designer Karim Rashid is now available to buy from Dezeen Watch Store and at our
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广州新电视塔 灵感来自橡皮筋 广州日报 它似女子回眸扭细腰身位于珠江南岸的新电视塔似一名站在江边的女子,她回眸顾盼,腰身也因为扭转而变得纤细,这座极高的建筑增添了不少柔媚妖娆。广州新电视塔的设计风格完全不同于以往任何电视塔。翻开历史,从建于19世纪的法国埃菲尔铁塔到上海的东方明珠电视塔,甚至一度成为世界最高的多伦多电视塔,它们的建筑流线都是直线,上下一根柱子,最大的变化不过是把下部
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Bent by Anne-Cécile Rappa

(2010-12-15 16:21)


Bent by Anne-Cécile Rappa June 4th, 2009 Tweet Industrial designer Anne-Cécile Rappa has designed Bent, a pouf made of recycled polypropylene bags knitted together. Bent, which is
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Trash Cube by Nicolas Le Moigne

Trash Cube by Nicolas Le Moigne December 11th, 2010 Tweet This seat by Nicholas Le Moigne of Switzerland is made entirely of scrap fibre cement.  Called Trash Cube, the object is made from
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Rapidprototypedshoe by Marloes ten Bhomer

Rapidprototypedshoe by Marloes ten Bhömer December 13th, 2010 Tweet Dutch shoe designer Marloes ten Bhömer has created a pair of 3D-printed shoes that can be individually made to fit p
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Temple Table by Hiroyuki Tanaka

Japanese architect Hiroyuki Tanaka designed the structure of this table based on the roof and pillar systems of ancient temples. Called Temple Table, the wooden design features four interlocking fr
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电线塔也可以是艺术品 Engadget 电线塔多年来都是那个呆样子,真要说它不好看也不至于,但就是一根根非常工业化的铁架子,四处林立。不过美国麻省的建筑设计公司 Choi+Shine 试图改变这一点 -- 他们为冰岛设计的这一系列的电线塔称为「巨人的国度」,每一个电线塔在输电的功能之外,也都是户外的大型装置艺术作品。Choi+Shine 设计了不少可能的造型,除了上图中的几个之外,
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Analarm by Industrial Facility at Dezeen Watch Store

December 7th, 2010 Tweet The Temporium: our Dezeen Watch Store pop-up at The Temporium, a temporary department store opening in London on Thursday, will feature an exclusive UK preview of Ana
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Clock for an Architect by Daniel Weil

December 7th, 2010 Tweet This belt-driven clock was designed by Argentinian designer Daniel Weil of Pentagram as a gift for an architect.  The timepiece displays minutes and hours on the out
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El Claustro Cultural Center by Eneseis

December 6th, 2010 Tweet Spanish studio Eneseis Arquitectura have inserted this glass-fronted box housing a cultural centre into a town square in Alicante, Spain. At street level the glass fa&cce
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