原 名 称:132 5. Issey Miyake
这是由吉冈徳仁设计的一个新的三宅一生服装店,名字为“132 5. ISSEY MIYAKE”。这是一个新的品牌,是三宅一生“一张布”品牌的一次革命,基于“重生和重塑”这一设计理念。这个空间的设计理念是“销售方式”,而不是表面的室内设计。
We just received the first store for “132 5. ISSEY MIYAKE” designed by Tokujin Yoshioka has been launched. “132 5. ISSEY MIYAKE” is a new label and a new evolution of “A piece of Cloth” by Issey Miyake, based on the ideas of “Regeneration and Re-creation.” “Way of selling” is the concept of this space rather than the superficial interior design.