The Project for the Colégio Estadual José Leite Lopes and NAVE (Núcleo Avançado em Educação) took shape in the partership between the Instituto Oi Futuro and the Rio de Janeiro State Government. The implementation of a new pedagogical outcome of this partnership aims to support high school students from the public system. Choosing the site of the school interfered primarily in developing a project that not only would fulfill the pedagogical and functional needs of the school, but would also transcend this basic item. The site chosen by the OI Futuro Institute for this school is a block of two buildings, which currently runs the Center for Distribution of Telephone Lines OI. The major objective of the project consists in attending the school needs while isolating the technical areas of this center because it is impossible to completely relocate the former use.
decufy评论于2010-12-19 11:18