简介: Site area: 228.74 sqm 设计师摒弃了传统的移动封闭式电梯和楼梯模式,取而代之的是一种开放的模式,将光线由上而下的收集起来。当光线穿过天井,到达外部条纹式的立面使得内部底层的光线充足,同时也能降低上层光线的亮度。这种照明设计,采用建筑物的正面,内部和外部之间的相互联系,使得对每一层的照明统一。 Instead of keeping places normally used for movement such as an elevator shaft or stair wells closed, we wanted to open them up to collect light, using them as lightwells to maintain the lighting coming- in from above. As light travels downward through the lightwells, exterior bar- graph- like apertures- maintain lighting on the lower levels, and gradually decrease in number towards the upper levels.This- lighting design,using the buildings positive-negative relationship between interior and exterior,makes- uniform lighting on each floor possible.
原 名 称:T-Clinic
Building area: 172.50 sqm
Total floor area: 498.33 sqm