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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Stella McCartney Milan Store by APA

(2010-11-26 23:38)
February 25th, 2010

London studio APA have completed the interior of a store in Milan for fashion designer Stella McCartney, which features sculptural metal rails and herringbone flooring in different tones and colours. 

Garments are displayed on custom-designed sculptural rails made of powder-coated steel.

A staircase with black bannisters and a brass handrail leads to the first floor, which incorporates the original fresco ceiling.

Boxes clad in white ceramic rhomboid tiles provide display plinths lined with brightly-coloured felt.

Photographs are by Andrea Martiradonna.

The text below is from APA:

Located in the heart of the Golden Triangle in a traditional Milanese courtyard Palazzo close to the intersection of Montenapoleone and Santa Spirito, the Stella McCartney Milan Flagship store mediates between the worlds of fashion, art and design. Uncompromising gestures of sculptural lightness in the wall hung clothes rails combine with the visual playfulness and geometric puzzle of the floor to create a spirit of openness.


A lack of weight (almost everything is suspended from the walls) allows space to dominate over furniture in spite of the relative intimacy of the room. Rhomboid tiles in crafted ceramic bounce light in through elegant proportioned window reveals, providing the crystal clarity daylight of a gallery.

A simple geometric stair in obligatory black is topped by a shot of brass, this is the visual and textual signing for a new floor. On the first floor the sculptures are more refined in form and coloured white. They describe soft swoops and gentle arcs confident yet unselfconscious, innocent. Colourful furniture in felt and ceramic stacks and unstacks like a miniature city.

In amongst all this sculptural and material playfulness is a collection of finely studied and cut clothing in rich textures and elegant fabrics.The warmth of the collection and its acoustic softness balances the ‘gallery’ feel. Juxtaposing material, colour, art and wit the store is open to everyone who seeks Stella McCartney.

Bespoke powder coated steel wall pieces for ready to wear hanging
Bespoke white ceramic tiled display plinths with coloured felt internal faces edged in brass
Handmade felt boxes
Stella McCartney bespoke Rhomboid Ceramic tiles by Teamwork in three finish glazes
Coloured Maple Changing Room Areas
Original first floor painted Fresco ceiling
White composite stone tiles
Bespoke steel balustrade with brass top rail
Traditional timber skirting details

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