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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Pop-up store for Stella McCartney

(2010-11-26 23:37)
July 5th, 2010

London designer Giles Miller has created a pop-up shop for Stella McCartney, spelling out the fashion designer’s name in two metre-high cardboard lettering.

The shop also features cubes made by laminating corrugated cardboard in different directions and slicing through the layers.

It has so far been installed in Paris and London.

Photographs are by Richard Corcoran.

Here’s some more information from Miller:

Giles Miller’s latest collaboration with Stella McCarntey comes in the form of a bold and intriguing pop-up store for the Galleries Lafayette on Boulevard Hausmann in Paris.

The installation includes giant 3-dimensional cardboard letters ranging from 1.5 – 2 metres in height, as well as cubes with fluted patterns in their surfaces and gold-leafed faces.

The pop-up store was designed for the exclusive shopping centre in Paris, and having been shown for 3 weeks it has now been flown back to the UK and installed in Selfridges on Oxford Street in London, where it will be on show for the next 2 weeks.

Giles Miller and Stella McCartney have collaborated on numerous visual merchandising projects since early 2009 when Giles created an entire wall from corrugated cardboard which incorporated Stella’s signature horse pattern hand ‘fluted’ into the cardboard surfaces.

Other recent projects also include a cardboard martini glass which Giles has designed for luxury drinks brand Bombay Sapphire, and these glasses as well as his corrugated cardboard bar will be on show at the V&A’s summer late event on the 30th July.

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