原 名 称:L’Institut
这是LUNDI et DEMI建筑师事务所设计的位于罗马尼亚法语学院内的一个小书店,它是布加勒斯特2010建筑双年展上获得最佳室内设计提名的三个设计方案之一。这个设计主要是对书架的重新理解,包括它的功能,结构及美感。
LUNDI et DEMI has shared with us their project for the French bookstore situated in the French Institute Bucharest. It was one of the three nominees for the interior design prize at the Bucharest Architecture Biennale 2010. L’Institut – Library Cafe par Cărturești, hosted by the French Institute of Bucharest, has its main goal the reinterpretation of the bookshelf – the core element of a bookstore – and its functional, structural and aesthetic redefinition, as well as of its relation to the hosting space and its users.