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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Mini Capsule Hotel by Atelier Van Lieshout

(2010-10-29 09:02)

June 28th, 2009


Mini Capsule Hotel, a six-bed dorm by Atelier Van Lieshout, featured in an outdoor installation called Never-EverLand at Design Miami/Basel earlier this month.


Curated by Natalie Kovacs and presented by Carpenters Workshop Gallery, the installation was billed as a “dystopian/utopian garden of unearthly delights”.


Mini Capsule Hotel was bought by actor Brad Pitt (below), who apparently plans to install it on his private beach.


Above photos are by James Harris. See more Atelier van Lieshout work in our earlier story.


Here’s some text about Never-EverLand:

Never-EverLand curated by Natalie Kovacs at Design Miami/Basel and presented by Carpenters Workshop Gallery.

Never-EverLand was a dystopian/utopian garden of unearthly delights (a send up of the corporate VIP lounge/oasis) featuring Atelier van Lieshout’s Mini Capsule Hotel – which functioned as the place to be for a disco nap/to crash or to say you spent the night at ‘Brad’s’ after Pitt bought it.


The Mini Capsule Hotel was integral to Never-EverLand, offering visitors the opportunity of a 24 hour slumber party, playing on the themes of Peter Pan’s NeverLand and punctuating the exhibition of utilitarian sculptures (by CWG artists) by using Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch as a metaphor and precursor to the current economic situation.


‘Never-EverLand offers collectors the ultimate ‘design high’/wonderland in this sculptural playground for 24 hour party people. The Mini Capsule Hotel by Atelier Van Lieshout sleeps 6 couples, allowing people to crash sur-place.’  Natalie Kovacs, Curator.

Never-EverLand was the first in a series of design led initiatives to be hosted by Carpenters Workshop Gallery in collaboration with Kovacs to create an alternative canvas for design-driven dialogue.

‘Collaborating with Kovacs, from an alternative contemporary art perspective allows us to elevate the conversation using design as a sculptural rather than a decorative medium. We are evolving with the next generation of artists, such as rAndom International and presenting challenging and inspiring experiences, for example, their very Duchampian ‘Audience’ installation which proved to be a mind expanding crowd pleaser.’  Loic Le Gaillard, Partner, Carpenters Workshop Gallery.

‘Creating unforgettable encounters for our visitors is the goal, we really like to encourage the ‘What the F—k? factor, which is the reaction we’re getting from our exhibitions, we’re literally inspiring a ‘design high’’ Julien Lombrail, Partner, Carpenters Workshop Gallery.

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