设计比平常更多的图书馆,从设计师Superpool库创建新的创新设计概念。 The library was located in Istanbul, Turkey and it has 260 square meters large.该图书馆位于伊斯坦布尔,土耳其和它有260平方米大。 Especially designed to create a modern space this library not offered a conservative desk, it has fully opened space Installation of a public reading room in an art gallery space is a generous addition to the urban life of Istanbul's most crowded pedestrian street.特别是旨在建立一个现代化的空间,这个图书馆没有提供一个保守的办公桌,它完全开放空间中的一个艺术画廊空间的公共阅读室安装是一个慷慨除了伊斯坦布尔最拥挤的步行街城市生活。 Each visitor has a space which is no boundaries.每个游客有一个空间,它是没有边界的。 The gallery space is designed like an auditorium, with seats on one side facing a 'stage' with the books arranged as a backdrop.展览空间的设计像一个礼堂,与一面朝一个'舞台'与作为背景的书籍安排座位。 The proposal with a single element tries to create multiple options for public interaction; lectures, readings, screenings, casual conversations can all be accommodated.用单个元素的建议尝试建立公众的互动多种选择;讲座,阅读,影片,都可以随意交谈入住。