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(2010-09-13 13:42)
标签:建筑论坛 世博 























AREA 中文版——《域》杂志




John van de Water 荷兰NEXT建筑事务所合伙人/主持建筑师

Marco Casamonti 意大利Archea建筑事务所创始人/主建筑师

Benedetta Tagliabue 西班牙EMBT建筑事务所创始人/主持建筑师

Rodo Tisnado 法国AS.建筑工作室合伙人







Acting in public


The event, as the part of academic and cultural program during Expo 2010 and come along with the publication of our latest edition “Expo Shanghai”, will surround the theme of “Acting in public”.  It will be also a constructive brainstorming visioning the future of city.


The theme comes out from our concern on today’s cities which have become so complex that experimentation is vital to grasping their complexity.  They demand new approaches to urban processes of transformation.  The rigid planning procedures, which develop determinate solutions from afar, such as static master plan, are becoming obsolete.  They tend to be both disconnected from reality and incapable of adapting to rapid changes in developing processes.  Can identity be planned or produced?  Identity develops itself and architectural and planning work can only try to influence this self-construction process.  A new type of planning should evolve that motivates rather than determines, that provides room for new links and all that is being generated.  It recognizes space as potential, looks for lost or new connections on special and social levels.  Spaces that have been pushed aside are brought back into the field of vision.  Some abandoned areas and transportation hubs can become exciting places.  By inserting new imaginative narratives, developing new software for the hardware is that the city is exploring contemporary methods of upgrading the existing, re-opening it for new appropriation.  Developing new uses, even temporary ones, is a vital moment in generating new activities and experiences, adding a new layer to the urban narrative. Bottom-up strategies should be used to appropriate space.  Interventionist permeation, exposing oneself to experiences through self-experiment, establishing contact with residents and setting up new connections and networks, getting public ideas and behaves into the process, are all experimental and procedural strategies with which to approach and change places. 


This theme involves the exploration on “after-use” of Expo pavilions & facilities, as well as the issue of Post-Expo.


In meanwhile, the theme is welcomed to develop some new ideas such as creative urban sustainability and happy lifestyle, etc.  A new attitude should be arisen from a positive vision of reality, based on a concept of progress that is sensitive to the existing urban environment.  Architects should look further into the future, generating an urban space that is built over itself, reusing and reprogramming areas that have been fallen into disuse, regenerating the urban fabric without consuming large budgets or vast amounts of waste.  For this theme, we are interested in actions capable of triggering a response from citizens and sowing the seeds of self-repair, making the citizen once again play an active part in evolution of public space.  And the discussion through participants also intends to explore how architects’ role could shift from being designers of finished objects to becoming agents of change; and how to generate meaningful participation for users and inhabitants of places and building for their happy life.  It also emphasizes the role of non-professionals and normal people to better the architecture and urban space.



Organized by














 Area China Magazine

Shanghai Study Center of Architectural school of Hong Kong University (No. 298 North Su Zhou Road, nearby North Si Chuan Road)

3pm-5pm, September 15, 2010 Wednesday


John van de Water Director and chief architect, NEXT architects

Marco Casamonti Director and chief architect, Archea Studio

Benedetta Tagliabue Co-founder and chief architect, Enric Miralles - Benedetta Tagliabue | EMBT



Please kindly confirm with us your attendance by email or telephone at:

Lu yanmin   13482015492



We are sincerely looking forward to meet with you and share with us your questions, experiences and knowledge.



Area China Magazine


Area is an international, bi-monthly magazine of architecture and design.


Our constant efforts in the fields of architectural and academical research have ensured a leading position in the panorama of architectural magazines, receiving positive feedbacks from architects, designers, engineers, companies and universities.


Internationally present in two bilingual versions (English-Italian and English-Chinese), area keeps the attention of each issue focused on a precise topic, addressing different discussions and subjects on a more direct, specific way. Reviews of particular, outstanding architectural design offices (Jean Nouvel, Steven Holl) are paired with the young generations of architects, while other issues put a stronger attention on places (China, Paris), social themes (the South, Icons) and specific characteristics of the design of architecture (Leisure architecture, Save Energy). Each content is dynamically structured with interviews, project scenarios and critical lectures. A constant update on exhibitions, competitions and publications, together with interesting itineraries to discover architectures all over the world, complete the picture.


Area China started its publication in November 2008, reproducing the main original editorial content, enhanced with specific insights on the Chinese scenario. While sections such as exhibitions and competitions are specifically related to China, new original investigations are provided to reach a wider knowledge of the Asian panorama. Architecture insights, dialogues, previews and interviews define a precise, accurate picture of contemporary architecture in China and Asia.


Since its first publication, area China has encountered very positive reviews and recognitions. Our work is dedicated to provide the best contribution to the public’s knowledge about the issue, and to a thoughtful development of Chinese architecture.























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