这是一个充满着浪漫气息的空间,犹如一位魔术师,将漫天的繁星浓缩在空间里,俨然一个小宇宙。 看似漫不经心的灯光,组成绚丽的景致, 在映衬的同时自成一道风景,冲击着视觉,还巧妙地分隔着空间,如等候休息区,沿着座椅导向的灯。几何形,传递着时尚的讯息。收银台中立体构成的几何形状让空间散发着艺术的气息。圆形的构成装饰将硬朗的线条柔化了许多,空间变得亲切、活跃起来,充满节奏大小不同的圆与跳跃的音符有着异曲同工之妙,使得视觉与听觉变得相融。地面、墙壁、天花相互呼应又互相衔接,颜色的节奏犹如 钢琴上的黑白琴键,个中滋味慢慢体会。空间营造出自然亲切的气氛 ,放松自在,无拘无束,让人尽情欢娱尽情歌颂。
This space is full of romantic flavor. The designer who likes a magician makes the stars all over the sky condense in one space,and makes the space like a small universe.The casual light constitutes brilliant view, which serves as a foil and owns its scenery at the same time. This sensory impacts our sense of sight,and separated the space masterly.It likes a waiting for rest area or one light orienting the seat along.The KTV is geometry delivering fashional feel. The geometry shape which forms the checking desk makes the space sending forth artistic feel. The circular constitutional decoration makes the hard line softly,and then the space becomes approachable and active. The fill rhythm size different circle and the caper note has wonder the equally good results from different methods.and causes the vision and the sense of hearing becomes melts.The ground, the wall and smallpox echo mutually link up mutually.The color rhythm likes the black and white keys of pianos,whose taste needs realizing slowly. The space builds natural and kind atmosphere,which is relaxes , comfortable and unrestrained. In brief, this KTV can make usenjoy heartily and eulogize heartily.
杨超评论于2010-10-19 18:26
我喜欢 庭上面的 顶部 质感体验很特殊