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Basaltic lived woodland

(2009-06-25 13:39)
China's first online games through time and space "aspect of time and space - the dark soul of eve online " on April 10 officially launched open beta, add a new arena, the High Society and many other features will be fully exposed for the first time, the PVP combat Madden wonderful world instantly announced.

     "Aspect of time and space - the dark soul of a decisive battle" since the open beta was announced since the player has aroused strong repercussions among the players on the new version is full of infinite desire to look forward to working with, want to buy eve isk as soon as possible to experience the game. At the same time, as the time from Beijing well-built three-year-old giant for online games, "aspect of time and space - the dark soul of a decisive battle" will be playing with an innovative, exciting content, innovative system brings an unprecedented player gaming experience .

     With the open beta date for the arrival of the dark soul of the invasion of mainland China near the pace more, as we are about to brave the unknown to participate in the battlefield, while mainland China's three major sectarian mysterious background will also be fully known.  

     About Rohan Basaltic lived woodland

     Rohan Sai Chau is located in the mainland are the ancient peoples, but the exploration of large Los team found that they, this time the nation is already in decline. Rohan Nakasu civilization originated in the southern valley, they once prosperous time, with a complete political and economic system, developed agriculture and the level of technology and architecture. Almost when they come out of barren land, they had suffered from a war it is difficult to resist.  

     About basaltic

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     I wish by almost Nagawa Plain and at the same time residents of the ancient peoples, they lived in from generation to generation Nakasu is on the southern continent, they are very dedicated to the sea, I believe that the sea can give them the right to survival and the challenges. I wish we would be generated by the first female tibia online money and item, and their ability to comprehend the sea above the others, they can, through their own implementation scenario of the tibia online, the effect of a number of patients cured law, and the theory of this form of transmission systems.
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