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the world of game online










博客:5 篇


the daily indulged

(2009-05-13 15:19)
Husband and son are indulged in game eveisk, the husband does not lead to serious work, his son does not study hard, and spent half a month more than 7000 yuan money home. In desperation, who lives in Xiaguan District Street Miss Liu had no choice but to go to the police station.
Yesterday, 12:30, Xiaguan District police station in a huff came a middle-aged women report to the cheap dofus kamas: "My husband and son are at the game room playing a blind, a home to a collapse." the women, who lives in the street, 16-year-old son this year, in the Winter, the daily indulged in game room, often go for darkfall gold, refused to buy tibia gold, so she let her husband to the Game Room son, buy maple story mesos, no soon thought of her husband indulged in a game room to play maple mesos, not only at home to spend half a month more than 7000 yuan money savings, but do not seriously work her husband, their son does not study hard thinking. Yesterday afternoon, she do a good meal at home and found her husband and son are not at home, consider a game room must go, so on to find the street on the Game room, found her husband and son to play all the games, see She also refused to go home. Miss Liu said that he would report to the cheap tibia gold, joked that her husband, let her alarm go well, fit, true to Miss Liu on a police station to report to the police.
Subsequently, the cheap dofus kamas came to the game with Miss Liu room, the boss told police, Miss Liu's husband and son to the police station to see her true direction of back and eve online isk, quickly left. Police found the game room is the vetting process, then the boss had a warning after the start of business procedures. Miss Liu telephone call home and found her husband and son have returned home, her darkfall online gold did not want to go home. Miss Liu police on a consolation, it is necessary to go home after she and her husband, son, good to talk about the need to assist the police can always seek help from the police station. Before I left before she cried out Miss Liu.
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