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(2017-05-27 14:19)

由 Turull-Sorensen Arquitectos事务所主持设计的Desigual品牌办公楼位于巴塞罗那新港口处,建筑面城临海,地理位置优越。办公楼共6层,包括一层地下室和五层地上层,总建筑面积25,000m2 ,由设计事务所与Desigual公司合作设计。室内空间设计的重点在于鼓励团队合作,打造灵活创意的空间,强化人与人之间的和谐共存。

The Desigual offices designed by Turull-Sorensen Arquitectos and located in a building beside the sea at the new mouth of the port of Barcelona provide a perfect vantage point over the city and the sea.The nearly 25,000m2 area is distributed over six floors (basement and five aboveground floors) and the design arose from the collaboration between the architectural studio and Desigual that stretches back 15 years.The indoor space was arranged to encourage teamwork from a multidisciplinary perspective, with the work spaces organised by challenges rather than functions to harness creative connections between people and to foster coexistence.

▼夜色中的建筑,the architecture in dark

入口大厅的设计带来宾至如归的感觉。中庭品牌标识下的广告语“life is cool”带人进入到Desigual的世界里。这个空间不仅满足必要的功能性,还可以让每个人拥有独特的“体验”。咖啡屋和多种多样的休闲及工作空间增加了员工和来访者之间的交流机会。一面临海,一面朝向滨海城区的优越地理位置成为建筑最大的亮点。信步穿过“life is cool”,停留在透明玻璃立面向外看,海上涌起的波浪和春季夜晚西下的夕阳让人不能自已。

The entrance hall acts as a welcoming space. Dubbed “Life is Cool” after the brand’s slogan, it consists of a central atrium that can plunge you into the Desigual atmosphere – a space which must not only deliver on functional requirements but denote an “experience” for everyone in it.A cafeteria and various relaxation and work areas are found in the hall, giving rise to a meeting space between employees and visitors. The proximity to the beach and sea on one side and the panoramic view of the Barcelona seafront on the other are the true stars. Move through “Life is Cool” and you can’t help but pause by the glass facade and peer out at the strong waves when there is a swell or be mesmerised by the setting sun on a spring evening.

▼入口大厅,the entrance hall


The core interior design materials are wood, wicker, bamboo and concrete, in addition to the fabrics Desigual is known for. At this level, one of the most important decisions the architectural studio took was to use carpet as a flooring, something quite unusual in the Mediterranean culture. The carpet design imitates a patchwork of rugs, daring but in keeping with the corporate modus vivendi. The overlay of rugs that covers the whole of the floor, referencing the solution adopted in many mosques, not only affords a pleasant sensation underfoot but also regulates the reverberation of sound waves. This lets 200 people work in a single space while enjoying low noise levels.The idea of combination is repeated in the flooring of the hall, where eight types of wood seamlessly blend in a radial design with “The Bar” in the middle.The canvas strung above the central canteen area also reduces noise levels in this space.The work undertaken by the architects and interior designers was simply to create the ideal framework to work in a pleasant and efficient partnership, in a setting that makes it easy to develop ideas while also contemplating what nature has to offer.

▼所有楼层地面铺设地毯降低室内噪音,use carpet as a flooring to reduce noise

▼公共餐饮空间增加员工交流,the public dining space encourage the communication between employees and visitors

▼中央吧台的地板以八种木纹拼接,eight types of wood seamlessly blend in a radial design with the bar in the middle


There are departments where not all the employees have a fixed workstation. Each staff member from the design, product, marketing, human resources, retail and provisioning departments, as well as the workshop, inhabits a “neighbourhood” in an open-plan floor, free of personal offices or separation walls. There are personal lockers, but often the tables, office material and computer monitors are of common and shared use. And everything is cleared away at the end of the day, following a “clean table” policy.All of this is made possible by a unified communications system that integrates mobile phone-based chat, telephone calls and videoconferencing, with a wifi connection from anywhere in the building without having to be plugged into a network cable. There are multiple especially designed and planned spaces, including conference rooms, think tanks, touchdowns, dream rooms, etc. for work requiring concentration or for pooling together on a common project, holding an informal meeting or giving a screen presentation.

▼多种工作空间,multi working space

▼员工配置私人储物柜,each employee has private locker

▼工作大厅的设备全部公用, office material and computer monitors are of common and shared use



The sofas, armchairs, tables and other chosen items of furniture, in addition to the light fittings and wall treatments, are designed to enhance and power the experience of seeing and “smelling” what is happening outside.The selected pieces have a story to tell. A great many of them –copper tables, benches and bulrush chairs– were picked up at street markets and stalls in Marrakech, Barcelona and Catalonia and the result is a highly visual and graphic environment.In short, it is an office heightened by the Desigual concept to become a pleasant and lively workspace.

▼藤编的室内装饰,the plaited decorations

▼洗手间墙壁装饰,the decorations on the wall


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