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法国威立雅环境集团总部 / Dietmar Feichtinger Architects

(2017-05-27 14:10)


Veolia’s new headquarters is a building that enhances the new neighbourhood between Paris and Aubervilliers. It creates an optimal environment for future users, a “pleasant to live in” building with large interior gardens, terraces, windows that open and mobile sunshades.



A strategic site, a unique project


The site, at the junction between Paris and Aubervilliers, connects the past with the future and reflects Veolia’s history: the former industrial site reconverted into a modern centre for research and innovation. Opposite the dock, in a rapidly changing neighbourhood, this strategic site is consistent with Veolia’s image of excellence. The future dense urbanity and dynamism, the plot’s direction, the expanse of sky and the nearness of water offer the opportunity to treat this project like a “campus park”, on the basis of a close relationship between a landscape and a workplace.

▼面向港口的一侧,View from the channel Darse


The U-shape contributes to creating a place which is at the time protective with large interior gardens, opening onto the dock, urban and inviting. Opposite the boulevard, the building becomes a representative, defining structure in a dense metropolitan landscape. Gardens are created in the very centre of the building on different levels. They provide a new geography and a protective, inviting central area for users.

▼屋顶花园鸟瞰,View fron above onto garden levels


Nature as the focal point of the project

建筑位于维多利亚雨果大道(avenue Victor Hugo),为了隔离道路带来的噪音,面对街道的方向和中央花园之间都间隔有较高的建筑体块。满足城市密度需求的同时,保护内部空间良好的景观效果。建筑东侧毗邻城市码头和公共空间,为了将美好的城市意向引入内部的花园,围和庭院的建筑向东面打开,揭示了项目内在的特征。上层建筑的后退保证了阳光能够进入项目的中心区域。这种体量赋予了建筑一个强大的身份特征。

The providing of a well-defined urban transition on avenue Victor Hugo contributes to establishing continuity while providing a noise screen for the plot. The project defines the developing neighbourhood by asserting an urban density. Towards the east, the project opens up widely onto the dock and the public space, unveiling its inner character. In the upper levels, successive setting backs allow the sun and daylight to penetrate into the centre of the project. The volume forms an entity giving the building a strong identity.

▼建筑中心区的绿色空间,The green heart of the building


The project creates open ground areas used to infiltrate all excess rainwater on site. The terrace roofs and slabs are extensively and semi-intensively planted, thus generating additional prior water retention. The plot’s global waterproofing factor after the work will not exceed 77%, leaving 23% of the surface over which water can seep.

▼屋顶和中庭花园,Gardens and terraces




The façades consist of high grade materials in direct contact with the public space. The project creates a true urban community, enhancing the living environment. The building shows itself to be an open, inviting place comprehensible both by its users and passers-by and residents. The building’s transparency, its dialogue with the immediate environment and its environmental performance illustrate Veolia’s values, namely responsibility, solidarity and respect.


▼北立面,North Facade

▼南立面,South Facade

▼西立面,West Facade

▼立面细节,Detail of the Facade




Organised on eight levels of superstructure and three levels of infrastructure, the new headquarters lies within the plot boundaries. The low levels accommodate the common areas, the reception areas, a conference centre and dining areas in particular, on which are located the office spaces.

▼主入口,Main entry

三个大厅可以进入建筑物。主厅面向码头,2号厅位于安妮·玛丽·费蒂埃(Rue Anne-Marie Fettier)和维克多·雨果大道(Victor Hugo)的拐角处,在V2路的拐角处,维多利亚雨果大道3号。这些大厅前面的前院是该项目的唯一要点。每个大厅都是两层楼,代表维多利亚雨果大道和马德琳·维昂内特街的关键点。三个大厅通过走廊连接在建筑物内,也可以用于会议中心,集会区和周边会议空间。

Three halls provide access to the building. The main hall faces towards the dock, hall 2 is located at the corner of rue Anne-Marie Fettier and avenue Victor Hugo, hall 3 at the corner of the V2 road and avenue Victor Hugo. The forecourts in front of these halls are the only points of the project set back from the alignment. Each of the halls is two floors high, representing key points on avenue Victor Hugo and rue Madeleine Vionnet. The three halls are connected inside the building by walkways which also serve the conference centre, the Agora space and the peripheral meeting spaces.

▼主入口大厅,Main entry hall


All the vertical walkways are directly connected with the halls. Located on the lower surface, the glazed landings overlook the garden. The stairways benefit from natural light and provide ready connections between each level. Their predominant use makes them places where people congregate.



The restaurant area is located at garden level. An internal street between the restaurant and the cafeteria provides easy access to the dining areas from the offices. The entire area opens onto large gardens, offering outdoor dining areas and visual continuity between the two patios. Meeting rooms are also provided around the gardens. The restaurant area and the adjoining gardens are used as workspace outside lunch hours.

▼午餐区,Lunch Area


Service sector spaces are organised on the upper levels. Each level can be easily divided into three separate, independent lots. This divisibility provides the spaces with modularity and open-endedness.


Client: SCI 68 Victor Hugo
Surface: 48300 m2
Building costs: 121 M Euro

Competition: Nov 2012
Start of Planning: Jan 2013
Start of Construction: Mar 2014
Completion: Jul 2016

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