In the beginning, I attended this activity accidentally. I really wanted to find a website to post my designs, I never thought I would get in. The calling from ID China woke me up. It gave me confidence in my abilities as a designer I did not have before. Acquiring experience and participating in competitions is something that I desired, mainly because these experiences would be colorful pages in the story of my life. Because of my insecurities I almost dropped out of the competition. I stuck to the end of the competition with the encouragement of friends, despite my skepticism that I could complete the projects before the deadline. I juggled a job and studies at the same time. Fortunately, I was rewarded for my efforts, and I have a chance to work for Aecom. An opportunity I am grateful for as it will provide me with an even larger skill set.
For me, this is a new beginning of self-worth. I have historically worked for landscape design companies. One day I it got into my head, maybe I am not cut out for this field of work. I questioned my skills repeatedly. As a result, I turned to product design. I wanted to do further study in this area. However, this competition made me realize I can do interior design and I can do it well. My confidence grew as the competition went on..
Anyway, it is a worthwhile trip for learning, knowing and understanding. A new beginning of exploration. Thank you for the opportunity.