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With industry, culture in which

(2009-03-18 15:16)
With industry, culture in which

During these two days, the game circle of friends and I discussed the most are a news, from the "Internet Week" in an article entitled "With industry, culture in which" the depth of coverage. A detailed discussion of China's online game darkfall online gold industry and cultural ills missing. In fact, this is an old topic, I have repeatedly discussed in recent years have been, does the Internet weekly for the report, I beg to differ, the reason is simple, China's online game industry dofus powerleveling is not no culture, but too " culture "has been.

Have you not seen that nowadays as long as the domestic online l2 power leveling games are one launched immediately to give their seal a so-called national network Daisaku Games, China has magnificent style, have deep-rooted traditional culture l2 adena, interpretation of historical dofus powerlevel, passing the five thousand years of civilization. In any case, the boast how their own culture on how Cuadros, less said is not spent playing the game they go to school, and read directly Games University Games included studying the Chinese culture than cow doctor also. In fact it may be, these are just the packaging, at best, but are trying to sell some. The real truth is that most of the national network are derived from the Korea Game, Europe or the United Network Games, set largely in the plot and characters have a great set of similarity, the different is the so-called magician changed the Taoist Chinese characteristics will be replaced by the internal forces of magic value, give figures put the name in China, will be replaced with the background story of China, is the new packaging of the national online games. In addition, theor, the refinery equipment is also refining equipment, and abroad there is little difference between games. If China insists on giving the culture of online games to wear a hat, it is cultural heritage kimchi Korea, Europe and the United States magical culture,can not find how much the spirit of traditional Chinese culture. Come back to look at other real big country game cheap lineage 2 adena industry now.

  There is no culture of China-made online games can go so far? This is the online games industry people have been avoiding a topic, has been relying on trying to sell some of the signs to attract gamers of Chinese-made online games, today may say how their own cattle, their own national culture wrapped in epidermal how gorgeous, may have been unwilling to buy gaia gold and buy dofus kamas face the cruel reality. So that there is no culture of online games industry is not a fatal injury, self-deception and flaunt their own culture too, but in fact nothing essence, a, which eventually led to culture in the complete absence of the Games is the biggest online games industry fatal injury. The U.S. online game industry, is now being self-satisfied, how to promote their own how to beat the Korean Wave eve online isk, a leading market for three consecutive years to promote their own exports abroad, how brilliant, has begun to counterattack such as Europe and the United States, Japan and South Korea Game power. Chinese online game industry is in such a self-deluding self-satisfied, the more and more lost their direction and started toward the abyss of cheap gaia gold.

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