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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Nestlé Chocolate Museum

(2011-07-19 17:40)

Nestle Chocolate Museum by Metro

Brazilian architects Metro have completed a red glass chocolate museum in the sky. 

Nestlé Chocolate Museum by Metro

The elevated Nestlé Chocolate Museum bridges roads and wraps around buildings at the existing chocolate factory in Brazil.

Nestlé Chocolate Museum by Metro

Windows between the tunnel and the factory walls allow visitors to see chocolate being produced inside.

Nestle Chocolate Museum by Metro

Two towers at either end of the steel-framed structure enclose entrance and exit stairwells.

Nestlé Chocolate Museum by Metro

Located beside a highway between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the bright red Nestlé Chocolate Museum is visible to passing traffic.

Nestlé Chocolate Museum by Metro

The museum shares its colour with the Nestlé Chocolate Museum in Mexico City by Rojkind Arquitectos, who also designed a laboratory in Querétaro, Mexico for the chocolate manufacturer.

Nestlé Chocolate Museum by Metro

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Nestlé Chocolate Museum by Metro

Photography is by Leonardo Finotti.

Here are some more details from the architects:

Nestlé’s Chocolate Museum, created by Metro Arquitetos Associados, opened this week.

Nestle Chocolate Museum by Metro

It’s a mega structure for public viewing at the Nestlé factory, the architectural design and museology were in charge of Metro Architects and consists of two towers and an elevated runway, all composed of steel and glass, spread over an area of ​​1850 sq m. The structure calls attention of travelers on the highway that connects São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro, the President Dutra, by their structural geometry. The factory is installed in Caçapava (near 110 km from São Paulo).

Nestlé Chocolate Museum by Metro

Click above for larger image

Part of the communication project Chocolovers, developed by JWT, brazilian agency of Nestlé, which takes children and adults to tour the factory. Now visitors will not be conducted on the ground, but the high walkway that runs along the inside of the factory.

Nestlé Chocolate Museum by Metro

Click above for larger image

With easy access structure provides a roadmap to visitors who, like in a museum, accompany the whole process of manufacture of Nestlé chocolates which will be presented in an interactive and engaging with information about the production process from raw material to the container without disturbing the production.


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