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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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LandyM by andOFFICE

(2011-06-11 21:15)

June 11th, 2011

LandyM by andOFFICE

The facade of this single family house near Basel by Swiss architects andOFFICE steps back to frame a wooden terrace.

LandyM by andOFFICE

The two-storey LandyM house has four bedrooms and two bathrooms upstairs, with lightwells illuminating a further two bedrooms in the basement.

LandyM by andOFFICE

The house features a roof garden and glazed windows from floor to ceiling on two sides of the ground floor.

LandyM by andOFFICE

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The following information is from the architects:

Completion of LandyM – Single family home near Basel, Switzerland

The building made of solid wood construction combines compact, efficiently organised serving uses with a spatious and open living area.


A strong integration of the terraces generates an amply spatial feeling: a wooden deck partly enclosed by wall and ceiling enlarges the living zone into the garden while the facade loop, a horizontal extension of the greige-colored plaster surfaces, surrounds it in order to connect it with the interior and to link it with the roof garden.


The upper floor is super flexible with minimised supporting structures, 2 bathrooms and up to 4 bedrooms which can be arranged individually.


The high quality cladding consists of renewable resources and guarantees a low demand of thermal heat served by a wood stove with vision panel.


LandyM – maximising the felt living area

Main concept of the cost effective single family home consists of an innovative spatial organisation, interesting and sophisticated outside areas and high flexibilty during lifecycle to enable the inhabitants open future plans.


The building combines compact, efficiently organised serving area with a spatious and open living area. Soft zoning instead of sharp space borders maximise the felt living area as well as a strong integration of the terraces: a wooden deck partly enclosed by wall and ceiling enlarges the living zone on two whole building sides into the garden.


It generates an open morning terrace faced to Southeast while the main terrace towards Southwest is covered by the cantilevering upper floor.


The facade loop, a horizontal extension of the greige-colored plaster surfaces made of gravel, surrounds the terraces in order to connect it with the interior and to link it to the roof garden with its fantastic view towards Black Forrest and Vogese.


The 1st floors flexible plan enables the inhabitants open future plans. Up to 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms can be arranged individually and guarantee by minimised supporting structures a suitable configuration for every section of life. The fully insulated basement serves two additional bedrooms with comfortable lightwells.


The sustainable organisation corresponds with construction and services. The high quality cladding is built in solid wood construction and excellent wood fibre insulation and therefore consists of renewable resources. The combination with triple glazed windows in wood-aluminium construction leads to a low demand of thermal heat. An excellent interior climate is generate by the airtight but permeable wall construction that enables an easy interior completion with services on the clients own account.


Thermal energy is mainly served by a wood stove with vision panel and storage unit. It is the traditional family centre in the living zone. Heat-recovery ventilation, solar collector and usage of rain water complete the simple and ecological aware concept.


Simplicity is continued in terms of surfaces: Supporting elements are used as visible interior surfaces: The groundfloor is covered with waxed floor screed, prefabricated stairways in concrete contrast to uncovered wooden walls with a simple industrial finishing. Significant oak boards and furnitures as well as slick white plastered walls generate an exciting interplay of traditional and innovative materials.


Click above for larger image

Outside the greige-colored plaster facade corresponds with bronze anodised aluminium and pregreyed irregular boards of  larch wood. It coveres terrace floors and adjoined facades and creates a haptic and visual experience of outside living.


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andOFFICE architecure and more
Dipl. Ing. Architekt Thorsten Blatter
Gaußstr. 39, D-70193 Stuttgart, Germany


Click above for larger image

Copyrights: andOFFICE Thorsten Blatter

location: near Basel, Switzerland
completion: März march 2011
plot: 651 m2
living area: 199 m2
addtitional area: 34 m2
living area: 56 m2
felt living area:106 m2
felt area = living area x andOFFICE
construction: solid wood construction
insulation: wood fibre insulation 26 cm

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