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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

(2010-12-15 15:55)
December 8th, 2010

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

London firm Studio 54 Architecture have completed a glazed entrance with grey brick steps connecting the ground floor and garden of this London terraced house.

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

The project involved removing a conservatory from the rear of the property and excavating the site to create wide steps made from long grey bricks.

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

New doors above this lead from the kitchen to a red cedar balcony while a small flight of steps links the garden to a smaller new entrance on the landing.

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

Garden storage under this smaller flight of steps is accessed from the wider staircase.

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

The information below is from Studio 54 Architecture:

Belsize Crescent NW3

Our Clients wanted to reconfigure the rear of their house at the upper and lower ground floor levels to provide a better relationship to the garden.

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

A recently built conservatory simply added to the sense of dislocation from the outdoors.

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

Above: before

The conservatory was demolished and a large volume of earth was excavated.

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

Above: before

We designed a wide and generous access from the lower ground floor up to the garden, linked to the lower ground floor by new glazed doors.

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

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A new balcony at the Upper Ground floor level links the kitchen to the garden via a shallow line of steps over a garden store.

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

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A new entrance is provided from the stair landing.

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

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The pallet of materials we used was deliberately simple: for the walls and paving the Petersen Kolumbia long brick with a horizontal raked joint in the vertical plane and for the balcony and doors: western red cedar.

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

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Project completed: September 2010

Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

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Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

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Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

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Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

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Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

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Belsize Crescent by Studio 54 Architecture

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