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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Second collection by Vík Prjónsdóttir

(2010-12-07 13:19)
March 23rd, 2010

Icelandic design collective Vík Prjónsdóttir presented a collection of wool blankets at DesignMarch in Reykjavík last week.  

Above: SHIELD OF WINGS The Sea Eagle is the king of birds. With grace, beauty and a wingspan of up to 2.5 meters he is respected and feared at the same time. The eagle does everything for its young and protects the nest with great care and strength. It is also though a predator and has at times stolen human infants to its nest. In Iceland today there is still one lone survivor who escaped the eagles clutches. This blanket is a dedication to this magnificent animal and a place to find security because now you are under the eagle´s protection.

Vík Prjónsdóttir is made up of five designers who collaborated with Icelandic woolen mill Víkurprjón to create the collection.

Above: HELM OF DISGUISE There is a stone not like any other. The stone has special powers, is extremely precious and very difficult to find. There are only three mountains in Iceland where it may be found. Upon these mountains are little ponds and it is said that on midsummer night the stones float up to their surface. However, it is not easy to catch them and you must leave the water before the sun has fully risen otherwise the stones will imprison you. This stone is called Hulinshjálmur, which translates to “Covered helmet” and if you hold it in your hand you become invisible. This blanket is dedicated to that stone and to the moments when you feel like disappearing for a while.

The designs are inspired by Icelandic landscape and folklore.

Above and top: SNOWBLANKET Every year nature covers the land in snow. The snow acts like a blanket that puts all the plants to sleep over winter. The snow has both a romantic side and a more dramatic one. Since ancient time people have buried themselves under the snow to stay alive if lost in a snow storm as it will isolate the heat. This practice has saved many lives through the centuries, up to this very day. This blanket is meant to give isolation and protection from daily life. The Snowblanket is dedicated to all the survivors and the ones who went away.

DesignMarch took place in Reykjavík 18-21 March.

Photographs are by Gulli Már.

The text below is from Vík Prjónsdóttir:



Vík Prjónsdóttir is inspired by myths and stories, from the past as well from the present. She is fascinated by nature as well as urban life, believes in the beyond and respects the hidden world. Vík Prjónsdóttir has passion for local cultures, materials and production. This passion has again borne fruit.

Above: HIDDEN WORLD There is a world that most of us can not visit; some believe in it and some sense it, yet it is beyond them. There are only a few people that can communicate with this other world and those who do bridge that gap between the natural world and the spiritual for the benefit of the community. This blanket is a dedication to these magical people and is meant to create space in the everyday to connect with that hidden world.

Five of Iceland’s most progressive designers and the esteemed woollen mill Víkurprjón have joined forces to form – VÍK PRJÓNSDÓTTIR – a creative collective that designs and produces high quality products from Icelandic wool. All the pieces in the collection are inspired in some way or another from Icelandic customs, mythology and the country’s characteristic climate.

Above: BLACK OR WHITE A legend joined the stars while Vík Prjónsdóttir was in a workshop in the Westfjords of Iceland. We dedicate this blanket to his ideals in making a better world.

VÍK PRJÓNSDÓTTIR sits effortlessly at the crossroads where fashion, design, art and furnishings collide. The products, which stand out and demand attention, all show signs of both humour and melancholy, just like Icelandic mythology. VÍK PRJÓNSDÓTTIR consists of Egill Kalevi Karlsson, Thurídur Rós Sigurthorsdóttir, Hrafnkell Birgisson, Brynhildur Pálsdóttir and Gudfinna Mjöll Magnúsdóttir, five Icelandic designers who work with product design, art, fashion and food design. Their common interest in applying the form and magic of everyday items into their designs is evident in VÍK PRJÓNSDÓTTIR products.

Above: Big News! On Saturday night a volcanic eruption occurred in the Landscape Blanket by Vik Prjónsdóttir! It is really exciting, we might have to change the design of the blanket if the lava continues to flow.

They believe that it’s their task as designers to make use of the natural materials and conditions that exist in Iceland, rather than using imported materials or outsource the production . Their ambition with VÍK PRJÓNSDÓTTIR is to show an unconventional image of the Icelandic woollen industry by developing new products with traditional Icelandic material. The Víkurprjón woollen mill is a company steeped in history. With a strong connection to the local region it has been producing traditional Icelandic woollen goods for several decades. During the 1980s the Icelandic woollen industry flourished and Víkurprjón was one of 30 mills, today however, there are only three left, the others have either closed or been sold off to exporters piece by piece. 

The democratic process is an integral part of VÍK PRJÓNSDÓTTIR designs. The designers have chosen not to divide tasks amongst themselves, but rather to allow products to flow between them in a “slow design process”. This way each product is created and influenced by all five designers.

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