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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Dezeen podcast: Object Rotterdam 2010

(2010-11-29 20:36)
March 1st, 2010

Dezeen podcast: in this podcast recorded at Object Rotterdam last month, fair director Fons Hof, gallerist Wilpert Dreesmann of Particles, and Dutch designers Kiki van Eijk and Aldo Bakker talk about design in the Netherlands. 

Above: Kiki van Eijk

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Hof discusses the appeal of design exhibited at Object Rotterdam to art collectors visiting the neighbouring Art Rotterdam fair, and asserts that Rotterdam is the real creative centre of the Netherlands

Above: Aldo Bakker

Van Eijk explains her design for the Table Palette project (see our earlier story) and why she chooses to design alone rather than in collaboration.

Above: Wilpert Dreesmann of Particles. Photo by Alice Pedroletti.

Director of Particles gallery Wilpert Dreesmann gives his opinion of current Dutch design and describes his struggle to find young designers he would like to represent.

Above: Tabe-Palette by Kiki van Eijk. See our previous story here. Photo and top photo are by Frank Tielemans.

Designer Aldo Bakker describes his approach to design and how he came to work with artist Mariko Nishide to create his Urushi series of objects (see our earlier story).

Above: Side table from Urushi series by Aldo Bakker. Photo by Erik and Petra Hesmerg.

Here’s a little text from Object Rotterdam:

Object Rotterdam is the official side fair of Art Rotterdam and will be held in the Las Palmas building opposite to Art Rotterdam.

Above: Le Lac by Aldo Bakker. Photo by Erik and Petra Hesmerg.

Object Rotterdam is the international fair for ‘autonomous design’ and the first fair in the world that focuses exclusively on the most current developments within autonomous design.

Above: Stool by Aldo Bakker. Photo by Erik and Petra Hesmerg. See our previous story here.

The fair is a platform for the latest designs of unique or limited edition functional objects by international designers.

Above: Tableware by Aldo Bakker at Thomas Eyck. See our previous story here.

In short: the place where the cutting edge between art and design becomes evident.

Above: Aldo Bakker at Thomas Eyck.

Above: Nacho Carbonell at Particles Gallery

Above: Total Table Design by Scholten & Baijings

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