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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Ready. Steady. Go! by Sandra Janser

(2010-11-27 00:05)

November 24th, 2010

Austrian architects Sandra Janser and Elisabeth Koller have painted streets in Graz, Austria to resemble a running track as part of a regeneration project 

Ready. Steady. Go! by Sandra Janser and Elisabeth Koller

Called Ready. Steady. Go!, the 750m-long installation on the Jakoministraße and Klosterwiesgasse aims to attract visitors to the area.

Ready. Steady. Go! by Sandra Janser and Elisabeth Koller

The red strip measures at 750 metres and covers the road and pavements, with grey lines dividing it into lanes.

Ready. Steady. Go! by Sandra Janser and Elisabeth Koller

The installation was completed for Design Month Graz 2010 and won the first prize in a design competition.

Ready. Steady. Go! by Sandra Janser and Elisabeth Koller

Here’s a bit more information about the project:

In the course of Design Month Graz 2010 the project „Ready. Steady. Go!“ by architects Sandra Janser and Elisabeth Koller won the first prize in the design competition for the installation of a visual frame in the Jakomini district. The intention of this visual frame is to define the streets Jakoministraße and Klosterwiesgasse in order to mark them as a significant design area with a visible and positive identity. The entrance to the Jakomini district is clearly recognized by the north and south street endings. The streets themselves are revamped leaving them with a fresh inviting look for visitors to explore.


Ready. Steady. Go! by Sandra Janser and Elisabeth Koller

The running track as presented in the project „Ready. Steady. Go!“ was applied in September 2010. It attracts attention to the changes in the quarter and will make people stop and absorb the newly created atmosphere. A total of 750 meters or 4600 square meters along the streets and pavements around the block are coloured in red, the lines separating the tracks are grey.

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