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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Smithfield menswear cardboard shop

(2010-11-26 23:49)
December 18th, 2009

More cardboard! Peter Masters of Burnt Toast Designs has designed the interior for a menswear shop in Manchester, UK, using recycled cardboard boxes and tubes.

For the interior of Smithfield menswear, Masters wanted to create a striking, affordable and sustainable design that could be easily changed.

The cardboard dogs are inspired by the shop’s logo.

Photos are by Shaw and Shaw.

More cardboard interiors etc in our top ten cardboard projects story.

Here are more details from Peter Masters:

Smithfield menswear cardboard shop

Designed and constructed by Peter Masters of Burnt Toast Designs

After the success of Reuben Wood hair salon, sustainable designer Peter Masters has achieved another striking and interesting interior made from 100% recycled materials.

The complex interior that can only be described as electric, quirky and most of all fun, combines Burnt Toast’s signature deconstructive shapes with a blend of cardboard boxes and tubes that make the space an exciting place to shop in whilst not costing the earth..literally.

Master’s brief was to create something more unique than the existing menswear shops around Manchester, to make the Smithfield shop stand out from the crowd and create a new kind of shopping experience but with a small budget.

His first challenge was to find a way of making a shop that would not cost thousands to produce and still be sustainable. After thinking about it for some time he knew that cardboard was the way forward. All the cardboard tubes came from Romiley Board Mill, which are made from 100% recycled cardboard, most if not all the wood came from MRC Manchester recycling wood company.

Peter Masters.
The whole idea behind this shop was to show, that we do not need to use vast manufacturing, materials and resource to make a retail shop that works and still retains an interesting design. The shop designed itself by allowing the materials to dictate their use in the interior and just thinking about their uses in form and function. The whole shop can be changed around with not much cost, by stacking the boxes in a different form, by moving the cardboard tubes lights around and by placing the plinth in different places, all with ease. This will help the shop stay looking fresh for years to come. The cardboard dogs were designed after seeing the logo for the shop retaining the eco recycling story, they will be made in small batches and will hopefully go in to production soon.

Overall the space is now a more interesting, and certainly more inspiring place for the shoppers to spend time and all with out costing the earth, this concept store will be an impressive addition to Burnt toast impressive client list from Habitat to Adidas.

Shop: Smithfield, Tib st. Manchester
Panda masks: Edit Design
Photography: Shaw and Shaw
Art work: Andy Singleton
Plinths: Lazerian
Cardboard: Romiley Board Mill

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