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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Peg by Studio Gorm

(2010-11-25 13:59)

June 28th, 2010

Peg by Studio Gorm

Oregon designers John Arndt and Wonhee Jeong Studio Gorm are exhibiting their Shaker-inspired Peg furniture system at the Direktorenhaus art space in Berlin.

Peg by Studio Gorm

The set comprises wooden tables and benches that can be dissembled and hung on the wall when not in use.

Peg by Studio Gorm

The legs screw into each table top or seat and attach to the wall-mounting with magnets.

Peg by Studio Gorm

Legs and tops are interchangeable, creating different-sized furniture pieces as needed.

Peg by Studio Gorm

The exhibition opened to coincide with DMY Berlin earlier this month and continues until August. See all our stories about DMY Berlin in our special category.

Peg by Studio Gorm

Here’s some more information from Studio Gorm:

Studio Gorm at the Direktorenhaus in Berlin

Studio Gorm has updated their Shaker inspired Peg series for the Direktorenhaus Gallery in Berlin.

Peg by Studio Gorm

First designed in 2008 Peg has been expanded to include a hard wood dining table, a desk, and a small table.

Peg by Studio Gorm

Peg is a flexible furniture system made up of simple components, which can be assembled in a variety of ways to accommodate a multitude of scenarios.

Peg by Studio Gorm

It is comprised of a series of wooden tabletops benches and legs, which hang on the wall from a peg rail when not in use.

Peg by Studio Gorm

Magnets inserted in the ends of the legs allow them to be hung quickly and easily from the peg rail.

Peg by Studio Gorm

The tables can be assembled to 4 different heights by attaching threaded wooden legs.

Peg by Studio Gorm

The tabletops are made from a variety of domestic American hardwoods, oak, hickory, ash, beech, douglas fir and walnut, and are built using a lightweight torsion box construction method with solid wood frames and reinforcements where the legs attach.

Peg by Studio Gorm

The peg benches and stools are constructed from solid beams of douglas fir with hemlock legs.

Peg by Studio Gorm

There are optional solid wood bench tops, which attach via wooden pegs, which can be retracted when not needed.

Peg by Studio Gorm

ATST lamp, is a table lamp with a ceramic shade and wooden base.

Peg by Studio Gorm

Direktorenhaus, Am Krogel 2, 10179 Berlin

Peg by Studio Gorm

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