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凹凸设计事务所︱O2 Design Office







龚剑Justin Gong


凹凸设计事务所O2 Design Office







博客:24 篇


Wang Shouzhi in Tsinghua

(2008-03-30 08:44)
标签:shouzhi Wang 
Wang Shouzhi is the writer of "A History of Modern Design",as a future designer,i'm supposed to learn more about the history of design from the book at first.So i often read his books and blog,and then benefit from him.Personlly,what he did in the field of history of design for China is worthy of your adoration.
I'm a lucky boy,in my opinion.I got a chance to attend his lecture at the weekend,yes!so fabulous!I arrived at the lecture hall half an hour early,nevertheless many people had been there before arriving.Oh,shit!what should i do?i couldn't find any seat any more.Fortunately my friend had kept a seat for me,it was in the last row,though.
Professor Wang,everyone calls him that,is a Chinese-born American now,that reminded me of another person-a famous architect-ieoh ming pei.Professor Wang is of middle height and a little bit thin,wearing glasses,and when he entered the hall,the audience applauded him.There were two subjects which would be organized separately two days.The first subject:"A History of Modern Design",the second subject:"The Student's Works from Art Center College of Design".
He was passionate and humorous,and his words often fetched a laugh from all present.The history of modern destign seemed to be described as a classic movie by him,and as an audience,i could appreciate it in silence,and thought about what had happend in the world one hundred years ago.He said with emotion:"The design changes people's lives around the world,it has a great impact on China,and I hope the youth should be serious to concentrate on designs."He said seriously at the end of the lecture:"we must respect other people's intellectual property,the original vitality of design is innovation."
What he said inspires me,i am convinced of my choice now.
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