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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Newton by Staffan Holm and Dan Sunaga

(2010-11-24 14:23)
March 1st, 2009


Stockholm Design Week 09: Gothenburg designers Staffan Holm and Dan Sunaga have collaborated to produce Newton, a table made from pressure-moulded wood.


The table has a frame made from two identical, wooden components that support a glass top.


It was designed for the Swedish company Karl Andersson & Söner and was awarded the Nordic Design Prize 2009 at the Stockholm Furniture Fair earlier this month.


Here’s some more information from the designers:

Press release

Swedish designer Staffan Holm and Japanese designer Dan Sunaga have been awarded the Nordic Design Prize 2009 for their sofa table Newton. Together with the Swedish furniture producer Karl Andersson & Söner, the designers have explored the possibilities of pressure-moulded wood for furniture.


The basic idea for Newton is to let natures own physics determine the shape of the table. The shape of Newton’s undercarriage derives from the effect from two flat rings put together and its edges being forced towards the centre, and the glass has no choice but to be influenced by the triangular shape of the under carriage. This makes the rings bend and creates the beautiful lines that are the hallmark of Newton, the sofa table. By implementing an ingenious way to cut a pressure-laminated material, the designers have minimized material waste and volume in transportation.


Staffan Holm graduated from the School of Design and Crafts in Gothenburg 2008 and started Staffan Holm Design, SHD. The company produces design that focuses on the emotional sustainability of products in the conviction that it will save the world. SHD makes design that isn’t always practical, but is well detailed and top quality.


Dan Sunaga is born in Stockholm 1975 and returned to Sweden in 2000. He graduated with a master degree in furniture design from Konstfack University in 2004. He later graduated with a master degree in textile design from the School of Design and Crafts in Gothenburg 2008. He established the Sunaga design office in Gothenburg 2004. Dan is also very interested in the emotional aspects of design and always experiments with subtle ways to manipulate materials and functionality.


The Nordic Design Prize

Bended laminated wood is one of the basic materials used in the furniture industry. The Nordic Design prize for wooden furniture made by pressure moulding was founded in 1983 with the aim of increasing the interest for this technique. The contest is open to designers and producers in all Nordic countries. The Nordic Design Prize contest is one of the most highly esteemed furniture awards in the Nordic countries. The winning designer is awarded a scholarship of SEK 50 000. The prize was presented for the 27th time at Stockholm.


The motivation from the jury:

With an open mind, a great deal of fantasy and knowledge of modern manufacturing techniques, the designers Dan Sunaga and Staffan Holm has created an extraordinary piece of furniture. By implementing an ingenious way to cut a pressure laminated material they have minimized material waste. This piece of furniture is unique in its form and has a strong graphical identity.


The jury of The Nordic Design Prize 2009:
Professor Olle Anderson
Architect SIR/MSA Ruud Ekstrand
Professor Steinar Hindenes

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