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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Homemade is Best by Forsman & Bodenfors,

(2010-11-24 13:46)
October 1st, 2010

Homemade is Best by IKEA

Swedish furniture and homeware brand IKEA have released this 140-page cookbook featuring photographs of ingredients laid out in patterns.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

Called Homemade is Best, the project was a collaboration between creative agency Forsman & Bodenfors, stylist Evelina Bratell and photographer Carl Kleiner.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

The book contains 30 Swedish recipes for cakes and biscuits.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

Photos of ingredients laid out in a style inspired by Japanese minimalism are followed by photography of the completed treats.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

All photographs are by Carl Kleiner.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

Here’s some more from Forsman & Bodenfors:


We wanted to ensure a connection between IKEA’s kitchen appliances and one of the best things you can do in a kitchen, some great baking.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

So the main attraction in the campaign became a 140 page coffee-table baking book presented in a very visually unique and spectacular way.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

90% of all the photographs taken in baking books look extremly alike.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

We wanted to try something different and present the recipes in a totally new fashion.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

We let ourselves be inspired by high fashion and japanese minimalism.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

The idea of the book became to tone down the actual cake and put the ingredients in focus.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

The recipes are presented as graphic still-life portraits on a warm and colourful stage.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

And when you turn the page you see the fantastic result.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

The baking book contains 30 classic swedish baking recipes everything from small biscuits to large cakes.

Homemade is Best by IKEA

Client: IKEA, Joel Idén
Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors, Sweden
Art director: Staffan Lamm, Christoffer Persson
Copywriter: Fredrik Jansson, Anders Hegerfors
Account director: Susanna Fagring
Account manager: Ewa Edlund
Retouch: Factory, Henrik Lagerberg
Photographer: Carl Kleiner
Stylist: Evelina Bratell

Homemade is Best by IKEA

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