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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Tokyo Bike store by Emulsion

(2010-11-23 12:37)
August 6th, 2010

Tokyo Bike store by Emulsion

The interior of this temporary store in east London for bicycle brand Tokyo Bike was designed by London studio Emulsion.

Tokyo Bike store by Emulsion

In place until Sunday, the bare white interior features a simplified map of the local area on one wall.

Tokyo Bike store by Emulsion

The bright colours of the lightweight town bicycles remain the focus of the shop near Old Spitalfields Market.

Tokyo Bike store by Emulsion

The pop-up store is due to close after this weekend.

Tokyo Bike store by Emulsion

See also: Dezeen’s top ten cycles

Tokyo Bike store by Emulsion

Here’s some more information from Tokyo Bike:

The treatment of the space is very simple & elemental, evocative of the craftsmanship and simplicity of design that goes into every Tokyo bike. Emulsion have drawn parallels between the backstreets of London & Tokyo, through geography & mapping – via a Japanese-style map of the local area in & around Spitalfield, where key landmark building are featured. The whiteness of the store allows the colour palette of the bikes to stand out. A 1:1 scale representation of the space inside the bike-frame has been translated into a pattern for specially-commissioned wallpaper, which forms the backdrop to the mechanic’s workshop area.

Tokyo Bike store by Emulsion

Tokyo bike is Japan’s number one bicycle company and has been a instant hit with city cyclists in the UK. In fact, we are closing the shop a week early because we’ve sold through the stock. At just 10kg the Tokyo bike is the perfect lightweight town bike and comes in a variety of styles, sizes, colours and shades.

Tokyo Bike store by Emulsion

This week we offering discounts on some of the models left in store. The pop-up shop is located at 117 Commercial Street, Old Spitalfields Market, London E1 and open daily to the public.

Tokyo Bike store by Emulsion

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