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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Movie: Kumikolnu Boutique by Chops and Moxie

(2010-11-22 12:43)
November 19th, 2010

Kumikolnu Boutique by Chops and Moxie

Amsterdam studio Chops and Moxie have shared with us this short film representing the concrete interior of a boutique by Japanese architect Kumiko Inui as though it’s being inflated from soft materials.  

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Kumikolnu Boutique by Chops and Moxie

Entitled Kumikolnu Boutique, the film is based on Inui’s Tokyo store for German fashion designer Jurgen Lehl.

Kumikolnu Boutique by Chops and Moxie

In the movie, concrete walls, wooden display stands and metal rails materialise as though from soft fabric.

Kumikolnu Boutique by Chops and Moxie

The information below is from Chops and Moxie:

The facades of Japanese architect Kumiko Inui’s buildings are often visual puns or optical illusions.


We saw the opportunity to create a simple visual pun after seeing her Marunouchi boutique created for Japan-based German fashion designer Jurgen Lehl.

The contrast between the soft fabric of the garments and the hard ‘fabric’ of the architecture inspired us to have the architectural materials take on the soft and billowing properties of Jurgen Lehl’s textiles.

First we recreated the boutique interior as a ’still’ image and tried to capture the rich shadows, and wall colours important to Kumiko Inui, then we set to work inflating the space as if it were being assembled in a television studio.

The music is fun but slightly mad, sound adds another dimension to the unnerving experience of watching glass and concrete and wood loose their prescribed properties!

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