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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Pig Truck by Studio Swine

(2010-11-11 08:53)

November 9th, 2010

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

Azusa Murakami and Alexander Groves of Studio Swine have designed a mobile food stall for cooking and selling pig heads. 

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

Called Pig Truck, the stall has been built around an existing bicycle frame, with a bucket placed at the front where the pigs head is cooked under a gold corrugated roof.

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

Using an ancient method of cooking, heat expelled from hot rocks is trapped inside the bucket and the food, covered with banana leaves steams inside the makeshift oven.

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

The stall uses no electricity or plumbing, using instead heat radiated from the rocks and a water bottle attached to its frame.

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

A split log table can be pulled out of the rear of the stall to provide eating space.

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

The following information is from the designers:

Studio Swine have created Pig Truck, an urban food stall that serves pigs heads in a land oven; an ancient method of cooking used in many native cultures throughout the world.


Pig Truck by Studio Swine

Land oven is simply a pit in the ground used to trap heat and bake, smoke, or steam food.

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

It is commonly used for cooking large quantities of food where no equipment is available.

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

Extremely hot rocks are placed in a hole lined with banana leaves, a salted pig is placed inside and covered with more banana leaves to preserve the heat and flavour.

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

The stall is designed be self sustainable, made with very little resources and to function with very little energy;

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

It uses no electricity or plumbing, the heat for cooking radiates purely from the rocks and the water from a bottle which is attached to the stall.

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

The stall creates an urban island in itself, whilst attracting customers with the simple communal cuisine, they are bathed in gold light reflected from the gold corrugated roof.

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

The split log table can be pulled out of the truck to accommodate more eating space.

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

Studio Swine is a multi-disciplinary design practice by Azusa Murakami and Alexander Groves.

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

Pig Truck by Studio Swine

Pig Truck by Studio Swine


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