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Imaginative Journey





  • If you are not ambitious, you will not excite people;      
  • and if you can't excite people, you won't make a outstanding man.

           by Thomas Heatherwick





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Watt-Lite by the Interactive Institute

(2010-11-07 09:19)

August 23rd, 2010

Watt Lite by Loove Broms and Li Jönsson

Loove Broms and Li Jönsson of Sweden’s Interactive Institute have devised a system of lamps that visually indicate a factory’s energy consumption through spotlights. 

Watt Lite by Loove Broms and Li Jönsson

The design uses three lamps in conjunction, with the diameter of the orange, blue and white projections indicating the maximum, minimum and current energy consumption respectively.

Watt Lite by Loove Broms and Li Jönsson

The relative sizes of the spotlights allow the current energy usage to be quickly compared to the maximum and minimum values of energy consumption for the factory.

Watt Lite by Loove Broms and Li Jönsson

The lights are currently being tested in eight factories across Sweden.

Watt Lite by Loove Broms and Li Jönsson

Here are more details from Broms and Jönsson:

Watt-Lite: Energy Statistics made more tangible in factories in Sweden


The Watt-Lite have the exterior shape of an over dimensioned torch and is delivered in a set of three. The size of the light beam projected from the torches indicates a company’s electricity consumption in real time. The dimension of the spot-light expands and contracts during the day depending on the energy usage of the factory.

Watt Lite by Loove Broms and Li Jönsson

The dark grey Watt-Lite with a white projection is a real-time electricity meter providing instant feedback of the current electricity usage.

The light grey Watt-Lite with a blue projection and cable shows the smallest effect (min) used during the day.

The other light grey Watt-Lite with an orange projection and cable shows the highest effect (max) used during the day.

Watt Lite by Loove Broms and Li Jönsson

By using three torches that shine in different colours, the real-time consumption can easily be compared to the max and min values. The Watt-Lites can be used where seen fit; hung in their cables projecting on the floor as well as placed on there handles projecting towards a wall.

A regular torch shows what is hidden in the dark, the Watt-Lite shows the hidden use of electricity. Without passing any judgment of certain kinds of behavior the factory workers are given the opportunity to reflect on their every day actions, set goals and better understand the otherwise hidden world of electricity.

Research has shown that technical solutions alone will not suffice to reduce the environmental impacts caused by mankind. Changes in habits are very important factor in reducing our excessive use of energy. This holds true for all parts of society, the private home as well as for the industry. In the research project IndustryWise, conducted at the Interactive Institute, the focus has been towards industries seeking to create interest and engagement around the topic of electricity to reduce unnecessary use. In total 30 Watt-lites have been produced and are currently being tested by eight different Industries in mid-Sweden.

The Watt-Lite is designed by Loove Broms and Li Jönsson at the Interactive Institute.

The service was developed by the Interactive Institute in collaboration with Eskilstuna Municipality, Eskilstuna Energi och Miljö. The project was funded by the Energimyndigheten. The Industrial companies participating are: Nike Hydraulics AB, Alvenius, Eskilstuna-Kuriren Printing AB, Södergren Metal AB, Solo Mechanical Solutions AB, Car-O-Liner AB, CH & Industry AB Gense.

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